Gem’s of June!!! Rock River Eyes of June 2013

  • nauga-monster
    Milton, Wisconsin
    Posts: 147

    Since Brayden started fishing with me and could understand words I told him that I would mount the first walleye that he caught over 27″…. Mission Accomplished!!! Offical length and weight at the taxidermist – 27 7/8″ 8 lbs 2oz!!! Great job buddy!!! Less than a minute after Brayden caught this fish he nailed another big one!!! 26.5″ and she weighed 7 lbs 2oz, we released her quick so we wouldn’t do her any harm. I’ll tell you what, Brayden is definitley arguing his case about being ready to be my partner in the RRWL!!! We had a big fish blowout day today, 3 fish inbetween 26-28″, and 4 fish in between 24-26″. Wow!!! truley one of the greatest big fish days ever on the system for us!! All fish were caught in less then 5 feet of water on 1/2 of a crawler fliping jigs into the brush. Every fish we caught today was CPR’D …. all except 1 that is.. that one will be hanging in Brayden’s room in a couple months!!!

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    wow. congrats to both of you
    great pics, too, espcially the first one

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    Very nice fish, fellas. Extend our congrats to your son.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Holy Mary Mother of God! Congratulations Brayden

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Congratulations Eric – awesome boat, for some reason that boat looks like mine – LOL – congrats.


    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020


    Yup I planned it that way. I know greatness when I see it. Much of what I know about the rock comes from listening and copying you.


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128


    Not all have copy & learned as good as you.

    I do have another tip for you, it’s for your bow mount trolling motor. Use what I have in the pictures to help support motor when in transit and running rough water.


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