**Rock River Gold** Walleye Tournament “POSTPONED”

  • nauga-monster
    Milton, Wisconsin
    Posts: 147

    Participants of the “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament

    As you all know I was on the phone for the majority of the day talking with all of you. The question I asked was: “Due to the major flooding taking place on the Rock River how would you feel about next weekend’s tournament being postponed to say, June 1st” After taking a poll it came out like this: I spoke with 24 fisherman on the telephone and and another 8 via text message. 18 fisherman said they would perfer the tournament not be postponed and that they would perfer it went on as planned next weekend. 14 fisherman said they would perfer the tournament be postponed to a later date. All of you have to understand that it’s going to be impossible to make everyone happy, there will be quite a few dissapointed fisherman, and for that I apologize. I meantioned to all of you the tenative date of June 1st, I can tell you now that Saturday June 1st is not an option, our tournament officials are not available that weekend. After deliberating over a date and a decision for the last 24 hours I have came up with this decision:

    The “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament will be postponed. Even though a slight majority would like the tournament to go on as continued I have weighed the pros and cons, and the pros for postponing heavily outweigh the cons. I apologize to anyone who is dissapointed with my decision to postpone and to anyone who can’t make it on the newly scheduled date.

    The new date for the tournament will be: Saturday, May 11th. I came to the decision of May 11th for these reasons: 1. It seems far enough away (22 days from today) to allow for the river to come down a little bit. 2. May 18th is the date of the Annual Anchor Inn May Walleye Tournament. 3. May 25th is Memorial Day weekend and lot’s of people already have plans, not to mention the lake and river will be jam packed. 4. June 1st is not an option due to the availability of our tournament officials.

    This next part is very important: If you absolutely cannot make it to the new date of Saturday, May 11th and you need to withdraw from the tournament please; call me, text me, or email me as soon as possbile so that I can refund your entry fee.

    If there are any fisherman that are interested in entering the tournament that have not yet contacted me, please do so.

    Once again in case you have already forgotten. The new date for the “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament is: Saturday, May 11th 2013, from 7:00am to 5:00pm. As of now we will plan to launch from the Anchor Inn landing. If there are any changes between now and May 11th you will be contacted.

    Thank You


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    @ nauga, Wefish and I will have to respectfully with draw from the May 11 tourney please send me the refund. Thank you

    Jeff Patrick

    Posts: 150

    Well all the launches are closed! Hopefully they will be open by May. I still plan on fishing the tourney. Will see how it goes. Three weeks might make it possible.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    PM just sent to Nauga. My partner and I will not be making the May 11 tourney date.
    Just wanted to thank Nauga for his efforts in getting this tourney going; too bad Ma nature didn’t cooperate.

    Milton, Wisconsin
    Posts: 147

    I have just mailed this MEMORANDUM to all of the participants of the tournament.

    Team Fin-Tech and Z-Man, your messages have been recieved and your entry fees will be mailed back to you asap.

    “Rock River Gold”
    Walleye Tournament

    MEMORANDUM – 4/22/2013

    Hello all,

    As I’m sure most of you are aware, the Mid Western United States is experiencing dangerously high waters on many different lakes and rivers. The upper Rock River, Lake Koshkonong and the lower Rock River are all included in this high water catastrophe. Currently, almost all the area boat launches are closed until further notice. Waterfront property owners along the Rock River and Lake Koshkonong are currently in a state of emergency. Due to the current high water conditions of the Rock River and Lake Koshkonong I have made the decision to postpone the “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament until Saturday, May 11th 2013. I have already spoken with John Kinnet of the Anchor Inn and he has approved the new date of Saturday, May 11th. Fishing times will remain from 7:00am to 5:00pm. Please find your place in line on the river by 6:50am so you are ready to depart by 7:00am. It’s very likely that the entire Rock River will still be under a no-wake restriction on May 11th so there will be no delay between boats during the departure process. At 7:00am a single air horn will signal the “ok” for all boats to depart. Once again I am reminding you that it is likely that the entire Rock River will be under a no-wake restriction. This means absolutely no-wake from the Anchor Inn until you are out in the lake and absolutely no-wake in the upper river as well. There is a 100’ no-wake restriction on Lake Koshkonong at all times, meaning there is no-wake allowed within 100 feet of any shoreline. Please make sure to follow all no-wake restrictions, failure to do so could mean your immediate disqualification from the tournament. Hopefully this postponement will give the river and lake a little time to lower and make conditions a little bit safer for all of us. Safety should be the number one concern for everyone involved in this tournament. I thought everyone should know that one of the participants in the 2013 tournament is Law Enforcement Officer and active member of the Rock River Safety Patrol, Ryan Peterson. Ryan will be off duty during the tournament, but Ryan always has his eyes open for boaters that are in violation of no-wake and other boating restrictions. If by Saturday, May 11th the river has not yet receded enough for our boats to make it under the highway 59 bridge, then I have decided that the re-schedule date would be Saturday, June 1st 2013. As of now the Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 11th 2013 from 7:00am to 5:00pm. If there are any changes I will contact all of you. Due to the restrictions of Lake-Link.com I am not allowed to post any type of tournament information on the threads. However, all of the latest updated information regarding the “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament and the Rock River Walleye League can be found at: http://www.idofishing.com/forum/postlist.php/Board/rock/rock-river-placeholder-wi Once again, I thank all of you for your participation in the 2013 “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament and I apologize for any inconvenience that this postponement has caused you or your partner. Hopefully this tournament turns out to be a major success so that it may continue on annually!!

    • The “Rock River Gold” Walleye Tournament has been postponed until: Saturday, May 11th 2013
    • The entire Rock River is likely to be under a no-wake restriction at the time of the tournament
    • Please visit the Rock River thread at http://www.idofishing.com for all the latest tournament information
    • If you need to withdraw from the tournament or you want any additional information regarding the tournament or the current no-wake restrictions please call me at 608-395-5455 or email me at [email protected]

    Thank you for all of your patience!!

    Jason Kline, aka (Nauga Monster)

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