April Action Spring Walleye Reports

  • jeff-patrick
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi guys, so far April has been pretty tough on me and I have not pattern the walleye the way I would like to. Every year at this time it seems like the walleyes and saugers just shut down. But the shore angler in downtown Fort Atkinson start catching fish. There not getting numbers but some nice quality. The DNR said that the females that they are netting still have eggs and are pretty firm yet at water temps at 49. After this little rain this morning and then getting sun mid morning with temps in the 65 range that should really start making things happen. I’m not giving up, all this does to me is make me ask advice and read more to find out how to catch these stuborn fish. I know one thing though in a couple of weeks hang on to your rods. If it anything like last year which it’s starting the same way. From end of April all though May was outstanding fishing.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Thanks for the update. Still seems like tough fishing especially for us novices. Thank goodness the boss is keeping me busy around the house or I would really be bummed by not getting out to at least wet a line. Sounds like there are a lot of other ways to catch walleye on the Rock that I have not even considered. I appreciate all the information this board provides. It definitely keeps ya humble.

    A question? Do ya think the walleye would be orienting themselves to wood for a current break since they may be patterning a little different this spring? Just a thought.

    Good fishing.


    edgerton, wisconsin the county of rock
    Posts: 17

    Was able to “sneak” out for a few hours with my nephew yesterday. Not much to report. Had a few hits under the Newville bridge on an orange “zone” with a minnow tip. Moved to Blackhawk Island and had a few light hits but wasn’t able to hook um, even with a stinger. Tried pink 3/8 oz lead head with a blue and white 2″ twister and had a couple hits on that. Just patiently waiting for these walleyes to really take off. It was still a beautiful day for a boat ride on the lake. My nephew loved it. Just wish I could put him on some fish! Good luck everyone!

    edgerton, wisconsin the county of rock
    Posts: 17

    I have to add, we did catch a carp!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Diesel, you bet the wood always holds walleye. I had a good pattern in the fall in wood but not so good in the spring. With the high water and fast current it was hard to fish some of my wood spots. The current would pull me to fast threw the wood and I would snag. I also tried anchoring and cast plastic in the wood with no luck. I really haven’t tried it hard enough to say the fish are not there. I really think they are but have not found a way to pull them out. I’m still learning also so if any of you anglers out there have any suggestion we all would like to hear them.

    I went out for a few hours with my son to tried for what ever was bitting with no luck. I heard the anglers on the wall are still catching some nice eyes downtown Fort and lots of them are spawn out know. So walleyes should be moving and starting to get active soon. Hang in there guys I have went threw this slow bite for the last three years about this time of year. It will get better if you hang in there and don’t give up.

    Posts: 348

    anybody heading out this weekend? might hit it up or try for some crappies on a nearby lake..

    Edgerton Wi.
    Posts: 16

    Somebody else posted,”If you ever get a chance to get out with Jeff…do so” was very right!! Yes, catching fish was ..let say a bonus, especially after a crappy two week lule, but the guy IS hilarious!! Thanks again Jeff!!!!!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Well Chris I hope I didn’t make a mistake picking a friend like I did before from this area. I’m pretty sure that guy we saw in the blue Crestliner Good Friday went home empty handed. Well we know we didn’t go home empty handed. It was great to get out and meet you and catch some nice fish. Now I guess I’ll be running into you alot at the hot spot. We will have to get out again I had a great time. watch for my report on Good Fridays and the weekends outing.

    PS. Im really shocked you spelled hilarious right, your pretty smart for a union guy.

    Edgerton Wi.
    Posts: 16

    Got to get out again on Saturday, Alot of boats, and everybody was catching fish! I spoke with a boy and his dad Friday when I was fishing with Jeff (A.K.A bola)lol. He had ask what color we where using, so we told the boy. Well Saturday they where back out ,and the boy (Joe) ask the the weight we where using. To get to the point,I gave Joe a pink and an orange jig,and within a 1/2 hour he boated his first LEGAL walleye!!! My sisters boyfriend had a digital camera so he will be sending it to me, and I will post asap!That made the whole day for me!!

    I also got to meet Upnorthwalleye and Loppy on Saturday So far everybody that I have met off this site, and on, have been super great guys and very helpfull! I hope to see ya all really soon. Thanks to all

    Posts: 348

    looks like i picked the wrong weekend to avoid the rock, although we got into some nice crappies. looks like things are getting back to normal..

    Edgerton Wi.
    Posts: 16

    Nice crappies lundmann!!! When were you out this weekend? I was out Friday with Bola and on Saturday with my sisters boyfriend. We did good on Friday but Saturday was a little slower….for me anyway. Nothing wrong with a little spring crappie!!!!!

    edgerton, wisconsin the county of rock
    Posts: 17

    Hi Guys. Sorry for the late post. Been a busy weekend. Did well on the rock this weekend. Caught 3 nice walleyes. 2- 20″ and a 16″. All males. Still milking. The best bite was in the afternoon and I was using a 3/8 oz pink nuckleball jig at my brothers (wallyliner) suggestion. Thanks Bro!!! Virtical jig was the best results. I also got to meet Bola and Upnorth who was doing better than I was. Upnorth limited I think. Nice to meet you both finally! Hope to see you out there again.

    Well that is all for now. Good luck to all!

    P.S. Hope you had a good birthday Jeff!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Greetings all,

    Glad to see people getting out and catching a few. I plan to FINALLY sneak out Sunday Anyone going out then? Hopefully I can meet a few of you folks as well.


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    I’ll be out Diesel if weather permits. Here are some nice walleyes Hard Water and myself caught a few weeks back.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi guys, check out my walleye report from Easter weekend it’s a dandy by clicking below on Lake Koshonong and Rock River Walleye Report. here’s upnorthwalleye with some nice eaters caught in the same spot, nice job Ray.

    Lake Koshkonong and Rock River WI Walleye Report

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    With the cooler morning fishing has slowed down again. Water temp were 46 this morning . With the warmer temp for the weekend it should start popping again, I hope

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    well, been reading these posts, and chomping at the bit to get back to the Rock. Hopefully will break away next week for an afternoon or two, as will finally have my bow mount fixed. been waiting for a part….but all is not lost. Its soooooo nice to have buddies with boats, and have been at the Pete and Missississpi in the past two weeks, and starting to feel guilty about neglecting the rock. so hope to catch you guys out there next week, and by the way….happy B-day, Jeff………so what’s that make you, about 30???

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Thanks Ed, by the way I’m only 26 . I have a open seat this weekend if your interested.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    No wonder you still got all that energy fishing all that time plus working. Keep on keepin’on. thanks for the weekend offer, but am goofing off tomorrow and Friday on the Pete and/or Dells. So better stay home the weekend and get refamiliar with the family. good luck, and will be watching the posts, cuz next week, Rock, here I come.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Ed got my skeg fixed and prop fixed by the prop doctor. He does a great job so if you know anyone that needs that kind of work let me know. Good luck on dells and pete.

    Thanks for the money that helped, your a good buddy.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020


    Just waiting for the weather to change again. Can’t wait to get out on Sunday. Way to many honey do lists and traveling with the job. For Z man who had the broken bow mount, I feel your pain. I broke mine last fall during the bite and had to buy a new one as my old one wasn’t made nor did they have parts for it any more. Interestingly enough that is when I met Jeff. And the rest is history as they say. But back to my point. I am always looking for people to fish with as I usually fish alone so if you need a place to hang a line in the water I am always open to meet new fishermen and share some laughs. Although I may not be as funny as Jeff.

    Derek (Diesel)

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    Hey Bola…..just got the pics of the buck you got last November, on the day you jumped in my boat. email me your address so I can mail them to you.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Well Guys, I decided to play a half day of hookie to get on the Rock and enjoy the weather since Sunday doesn’t look good. Needless to say the fishing can only get better at least for me anyway. I caught nada. No sheephead, carp, cat, or walleye. I fished from 300 to 800 pm from the bark river in Fort to Koshkonong. A couple of light bites no fish at all. There were very few boats out and not many people fishing.

    I tried jigs with minnows, crawler, plain jig with curly tails, river rigs, casting husky jerks, and what ever else I was willing to give up to the snag gods. I did not see any fish caught but I did see two legal about 17 each. One old timer (regular on the river with one on the shore) Caught on a chartruese jig and grub and another guy who I gave my minnows had a nice one as well) casting a dark colored jig. One guy in town fishing the fast water north of the launch had one on a red jig. I was going to give trolling a try but it was pretty rough just fishing the mouth of the river. I wish I had one eight of the knowledge you guys have on this river. I may have one more outing on the river for walleye as I am tired of getting skunked and then it will be off the take some kids white bass fishing in Oshkosh, which is always a blast.

    If you get out good luck and save a few for me as someday I will land one this year.


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Fishing still slow but if you work hard at it you can catch nice walleyes like these. Watch for my report Wednesday from this weekend outing. Sorry for being so late.

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