I just don’t think June will be as good as May for walleyes numbers but I do think this will be the month to get the big walleye. Good luck to all the IDO gang.
May 31, 2011 at 9:02 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Wisconsin Lake & Rivers » Rock River » June Walleye Reports and Pictures
Thanks Jeff,
I must say again thanks to My partner Ed he put the two fish in the boat and thats what teamwork is all about
plus when you are trying all types of techniques someone has the lucky bait or plastic
and it was Eds night to come through with his favorite bait. Its only going to get better for us cause the secret weapon has arrived.
Oh, second is better than third
KV..did you get those at Newville or Blackhawk?
I’m off for the Big Pond today for this year’s maiden voyage…hopefully, the seas will stay flat this afternoon and evening.
WeFish….now that you said EZ’s favorite bait or plastic, the cat’s out of the bag. We’ll see if last Thursday was a fluke, or if we can reproduce that bite.
See ya all then.
another vote for a fluke hahaha
and good luck this week guys i will be at graduation.
I thought thurs night was a walleye league,those look like giant sheepshead KV
Yep them sheephead are sweet ! Had a good time out on the lake today. About 12 walleye or so, only 4 keepers. Saugers mixed in with them again. Couple nice northerns and a big cat, and oh yea a sheephead. Jeff, you dial any up on the boards today? Was gonna vote, but not sure what a kind of fish a fluke is.
Fluke – yes it only took me five minutes to start catching keeper walleyes when I started trolling, nothing over 17. Wish I had a video camera watching you trying to net fish with that silly net. I have an extra net I will sell you very cheap if you want.
Might need to retire that little green net. Forgot to mention our netting adventure yesterday. Had a double on. Mike had a big catfish on and couldn’t get it to the top so I could net it. I told my son to go to the bow of the boat to bring his fish in. A few minutes later my son pulled in a 10 inch walleye (no net required) . Stupid catfish continued to elude my best efforts to get him as he dove to the bottom
. Soon after the four remaining trolling lines began to tangle around us like a freaking spider web. In one last heroic stab, I moved lines out of the way and got the slimey litte critter in the net. After a few moments of admiring our accomplishment I soon realized what happened. When my son went to the front of the boat he stepped on the constant on button of the trolling motor. Of course the motor was convienently pointed at 90 degrees
. This put us in a helicopotoring pattern wrapping the trolling lines around the boat ( which did bring the boards in as well ). After about 40 minutes of untangling lines, boards, and treble hooks we were merrily on our way
. How’s that for a fluke
. Tight lines
Been there, done that! At least you didn’t get a treble through your finger like in. my last adventure.
Tough bunch here. Was just trying to give you guys a hint here and see how you are.
C U all thursday.
Might need to retire that little green net. Forgot to mention our netting adventure yesterday. Had a double on. Mike had a big catfish on and couldn’t get it to the top so I could net it. I told my son to go to the bow of the boat to bring his fish in. A few minutes later my son pulled in a 10 inch walleye (no net required)
. Stupid catfish continued to elude my best efforts to get him as he dove to the bottom
. Soon after the four remaining trolling lines began to tangle around us like a freaking spider web. In one last heroic stab, I moved lines out of the way and got the slimey litte critter in the net. After a few moments of admiring our accomplishment I soon realized what happened. When my son went to the front of the boat he stepped on the constant on button of the trolling motor. Of course the motor was convienently pointed at 90 degrees
. This put us in a helicopotoring pattern wrapping the trolling lines around the boat ( which did bring the boards in as well ). After about 40 minutes of untangling lines, boards, and treble hooks we were merrily on our way
. How’s that for a fluke
. Tight lines
I saw this happen, I was laughing and yelling getting a bigger net. Watching you in helicopter mode was funny
Tough bunch here. Was just trying to give you guys a hint here and see how you are.
C U all thursday.
Tough is right fishing is only going to get harder before easier. If you and We Fish place a couple more times not just one more time we all will back off and it wasn’t a fluke. Sound like a challenge for your team
Thanks for the hint
With all this smack talk, looks like WeFish and I are stepping into a pressure cooker on Thursday…too bad the temps in the uper 90’s won’t last into Thursday…the hotter it is, the better we like it. Gotta love a good challenge.
I’m expecting big things from you and wefish this thursday. Frickin epic cold front should be no problem. Of course I expect to get skunked. Hey Dboy, glad I didn’t stick a treble as well
With all this smack talk, looks like WeFish and I are stepping into a pressure cooker on Thursday…too bad the temps in the uper 90’s won’t last into Thursday…the hotter it is, the better we like it. Gotta love a good challenge.
You and WeFish been challenge for the last seven weeks and will be the next five weeks, pray that you break even this year.
Here’s a heads-up guys.There’s a hazard in the lake between Blackhawk and the Thiebou.It appears to be a large stump and not floating.The coordintes are N42*52.595’W88*57.129′.I’m in Illinois and don’t know what authority to contact.It needs to be gone before somebody whacks it.
thanks for the heads-up and the coordinates. WeFish and I saw something sticking out of the the water last week as we buzze3d back to newville, but couldn’t tell if it was floating or not. will enter the coords in my GPS and watch for it.
So you been fishing up in our neck of the woods this year yet, or waiting for fall?
I never made it up there in April but have fished out of the Anchor 7 or 8 times since.I’ve trolled only with excellent sucess in size and numbers.
well the fish were still biting before the storm last night.
good luck tonight guys
Thanks Netman. Congratulations on your graduation. You must be feeling pretty good about that. That gets a ‘dat a boy!
thanks databoy. well how did it go tonight, it was pretty cold at graduation so i imagine it was to pleasent out there tonight?
Typical for this time of year, trollers stole the show again with 2 boats tying with 10.5 pounds. Also typical, the big fish came from Blackhawk at 7.5 pounds. We managed just 2 fish for 3.3 pounds which helped pad our season lead to 68.5 pounds. So with just a few weeks left we’ll be hard to beat.
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