albert-lea area

  • louis-robinson
    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469

    took my usual half day off from work and headed west, for some walleye action. for the last four weeks the bite has been improving. for the most part it has been a night bite, with some really nice walleyes being caught on crankbaits. unfortunatly i just cant hang out that late.

    ive been hanging one or two fish before having to pull the plug and get home to sleep , but today the script seemed to have changed a bit .

    tons of baitfish in the water and the crappies and walleye are having there way with them. its kinda cool to see walleyes pin them in a corner and feed on them. todays hot bait was just a tiny red tube jig with white tail. i managed a 22 incher as seen on the pic, that was cpr’ed and four that were in ther 13 inch range that went back also. with the 2 that are on the stringer, i decided to take advantage of the slabs before i ended my day. crappies fell to small mini mites and colors didnt matter. overall it was a great day with better fishing to come .

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I love your reports. I grew up in Austin and fished around Albert Lea and points west and north quite a bit back in my high school days. I haven’t been back in years… your reports bring back a lot of fond memories.

    Evansville MN
    Posts: 278

    Nice report. I am planning a late fall trip to that area. It is about the halfway point between me and a friend in Quad cities. Not at all familiar with the area,so your headline peaked my interest.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Louie , did I miss a call

    Way to get after them

    Posts: 813

    Lou was that below the dam ?

    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469


    Lou was that below the dam ?

    albert- lea area….. check pm’s

    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469


    I love your reports. I grew up in Austin and fished around Albert Lea and points west and north quite a bit back in my high school days. I haven’t been back in years… your reports bring back a lot of fond memories.

    ive heard storys about that area being hot back in the stone age when you were in highschool sorry couldnt resist james… any way i didnt start fishing that area untill after the major fish kill some 8 or 9 years ago.
    ive literally watched those fish grow year by year.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    Time to make hoim an IDO reporter…new water no one else reposrts on and really good info. I never make it over that way, but dang Louis you are bang’en over there! Thnaks for the reports!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for your reports. I haven’t fished the Albert Lea area before but I use to fish the Fairbault area lakes and Tetonka Lake years ago. Yes it does bring back memories.
    Thanks, Bill

    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469

    thanks for the kind words fellas…i consider that area my home body of water since im there at least twice a week..
    glad i could bring back some memories. more reports to follow!!!!

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