The last couple days have been a bit cooler than I like it, but then I heard that rain was possible this weekend! Now that is a welcome word…bring on the droplets! The recent deep snows have kept me from my walks and I have heard little in the line of successful fishing. There are always some folks who seem to do well regardless. I did venture out to creek behind our house and found a couple small pockets of open water so things are beginning to loosen up a bit, but that talk of rain just “does it” for me. This winter has been too long . Now, if we can get just a little rain off and on for about a month with temps in the thirties during the day and twenties at night, things would be much nicer, do you think? And gradddddddually find this trend finding it’s way northward so that when it is wet in St.Cloud and Brainard we are basking in sun-filled forties and fifties on a relatively tame Mississippi River catching waldos and the saudogs
. Sound like I need to go fishing? You’re right! I guess there’s only one way to scratch this itch, eh?

Posts: 9559
February 17, 2004 at 1:16 pm