Being new to this site, I thought it a good idea to read through the archived posts regarding this particular forum…helps me to get a feel for what people here talk about and what some of thier wants may be. The Zumbro River and Lake Zumbro have been topics of dicussion frequently and this is an area that I think (hope) I can be of some help. I have fished lake Zumbro for over forty years and have logged a journal for over twenty of those years in the springtime.At one time or another I have fished every fork of every branch of the Zumbro river. By no means am I a knowledgeable person on most of the river’s watershed system, but from just south of the city of Rochester to Hammond, I am in the know. I am putting together an article to submit here on IDA. It may be too large to do in one showing, but it is geared toward the Zumbro-primarily the lake and will include some tid-bits about the river from Roch down to it. This particular body of water is a whole lot more diverse than most anglers give it credit for and will require going down many different avenues to describe it. Until I get this article done, feel free to toss questions about the lake, the fishery, or the river and I’d be more than happy to try and assist in any way I can.

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