I was down there last tues night and the water clarity was 8-10 feet easy. As you head towards the Fish it gets worse all the way to probably a few inches of clarity.
10′ of clarity on the Zumbro? I’m not so sure I’d believe that. We were up in the shallows in 2′ and I couldn’t see the carp on the bottom. Until they moved.
Out of the bay in the deeper water I’d say the best clarity I saw before I lost sight of my jig could be stretched to 4′. However that’s the deepest I’d say the clarity was.
Well whatever.
Last tuesday evening the clarity from the dam towards ponderosa was 10-12 feet. (Period)
The other extreme was from Fishermans Inn towards Sandy point, 3-8″ tops for clarity, this was the same evening.
Now….Tonight 6/2/09 the clarity by the dam was a couple feet tops. So in your defense, if you were not out there last tuesday night or in the same areas I specified, than I understand your confusion.
I went to brush piles I have fished for years last tuesday night and barely fished them, I just looked at them and all the fish and structure down in 10-12 FOW in awe.