Special regs proposal

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The following was post at another site, but I think it holds plenty of revelance so I’ll put it here too.

    New regulation proposal for Rochester area


    As described in the news release below, we are proposing a new set of regulations for most of the small water bodies in and around Rochester. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments on this proposal. Please give me a call or email if you have questions or comments.

    Kevin Stauffer
    Area Fisheries Supervisor
    Lake City DNR Fisheries Office
    651-345-3365 x229

    New fishing regulations considered for Rochester-area lakes and ponds (May 18, 2009)

    Creating more opportunities for more anglers to catch fish is the goal of new fishing regulations the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will propose for most Rochester-area lakes and ponds.

    “The new regulations are designed to address the intense amount of fishing pressure and harvest that occur on the area’s small bodies of water,” said Kevin Stauffer, DNR area fisheries supervisor in Lake City. “Reducing the number of fish people can keep will help spread harvest over a longer time period and across more anglers, which should result in a higher number of successful fishing trips.”

    Proposed regulations include a combined possession limit of 10 for sunfish, crappie and yellow perch, with no more than five crappies. This means anglers could take any combination of these species up to a total of 10 per person, but only five of those could be crappie.

    “We decided to go with a combined possession limit because the fish populations in these waters are highly variable. This approach will allow us to have a uniform regulation that is simple to understand,” Stauffer said.

    Proposed regulations also would reduce the possession limit to one each for largemouth bass and northern pike.

    “We already have an active fisheries management program on most of these waters, but as demand for local fishing opportunities increase, we are looking for new ways we can improve these fisheries,” Stauffer said.

    Waters on which the proposed new fishing regulations would become effective total about 600 acres, a rather small lake and pond resource compared to other areas of the state. Most anglers who fish these waters are local and fish from shore, using the accesses developed by the city of Rochester and Olmsted County.

    Local waters included in the proposal include Silver Lake, Foster-Arend, Willow Reservoirs 4 and 6A, Silver Creek Reservoir, Quarry Hill Nature Center Pond, Kalmar Reservoir, Manor Woods Pond and Cascade Ponds. Trout regulations on Foster-Arend would not be affected.

    Bear Creek Reservoir, located in Chester Woods County Park, also will be considered for the new regulations. Existing special regulations for sunfish and largemouth bass, which are already are in place, are up for review this year.

    “It’s very important that we have public support for any regulation changes we eventually make,” according to Stauffer. He said the DNR will hold formal public meetings in October, “but I really want to hear what anglers think of this proposal at any time. This is the starting point for discussion.”

    Information signs will be posted near the water bodies in mid-May. Anglers are encouraged to provide their comments to the Lake City DNR Fisheries office at 651-345-3365 or by e-mail to [email protected].

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I recieve this in a DNR email up date the other day Tom.

    Since I’m not from the area…I’ll ask the silly question…This is a good thing isn’t it?

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Tip of the ice berg, I say #^&$ that.
    Crapps have already been dropped, a few years ago, we need a slot size not a # limit. Let the fish get bigger then ppl wont be taking so many becauce they cant get the right size (for a while). I hated the idea when it was imposed on mille lace years back but it has deff helped my game in the long run.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    I recieve this in a DNR email up date the other day Tom.

    Since I’m not from the area…I’ll ask the silly question…This is a good thing isn’t it?

    You bet Brian. Many anglers have a tough time with imposing some limitations to their own fishing. Lots and lots of anglers have this problem. Freezer fillers. I think if Rochester wants to have any sort of lasting, quality, local fishing, things are going to have to be force fed. And make no bones about it, I’d endorse this proposal if it were placed on Lake Zumbro.

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