Fisherman’s Inn landing and launch area…..

  • Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186


    Not a fan at all of ski team

    Wow! You start off telling us how you’re not a fan of the ski team and then shoot off post after post telling us how great they are. The ski team may have used the lake for 50 years, but things have certainly changed in 50 years. That lake gets used by a lot more people now than 50 years ago. It is my opinion that Lake Zumbro may not be big enough any more for such an operation. I also believe it may not be big enough for some of the large fishing and recreation boats that use it. I know a horsepower limit would be very unpopular for some users, but sometimes governments need to do the proper thing rather than the popular thing.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I personally have no problem paying for the launch. I purchased a season pass last year and will again this year.

    The lake is a place that needs to be shared by all. I do agree with Eric. The Ski club does seem to think they own that lake and you are in there way. I have had several times when the skier’s are coming right at you while you are fishing a bank away from anyone and do not go move until they are within 10 yards! While we are sitting on the beach wait for everyone else to put in, the ski boat operators drive within feet of us throwing big wakes and we end up taking water over the backs of our boats.

    Now if we did this to them, that would be a sin in there eyes and we would be the worst people on earth. Being that they do it, it’s all hunky dory.

    What ever you say, I will not be a fan unless we each give the respect and courtesy deserved.

    We just all need to get along period.

    Posts: 5

    I was pointed to this forum by a buddy of mine, and am browsing through a lot of postings. I am normally not one to post replies/comments on forums, and I realize that this thread is kind of old, but I wanted to make a comment on something.
    As much as it pains me, I have to point out at least one fact in minnesotakid’s statements! I happened to be down at Fisherman’s Inn while the ramp was being repaired. I had heard that the water was way down, and decided to go take a look for my self. There was quite a bit of activity on the ramp, so being kind of nosey, I started talking to some of the people who were working on the ramp. What I found out was that the owner of Fisherman’s Inn, was paying for all the materials, and the ski team was doing all the work. If I would have read this thread before going down to the ramp last fall, I could have asked about a few more of kid’s statements (maybe next time). Maybe everyone else knows this, but there is one other thing that I found out. All of the docks at Fisherman’s Inn, are owned by the ski team. I must say that I am happy that those docks are there, I really hate beaching my boat. The other thing I think we need to be carful with is making the comment that the ski team thinks they own the lake. This may be, but the ski team only has a few boats, and they are only on the lake at certain times. I personally think there is a way bigger problem with all the other boaters, jetskis, and how about the tubers?

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    It appears that you would want to trespass on someone’s else launch. The reason: the inn and skiers don’t need all of launch area so you should reap from their labor. After reading your second post it appears that you are just a jerk off with an extreme psdo intelligence. Let me quote you “if you don.’t like what I said or what I am going to say get off this board and then get the f out of my country GOt IT

    Posts: 5

    Okay! So I will try to comment on the first two sentences of your post, Since the rest of your comments were about a post that I mad in a different discussion.

    “It appears that you would want to trespass on someone’s else launch. The reason: the inn and skiers don’t need all of launch area so you should reap from their labor.”

    I’m not sure if you are trying to state that I think I, and everyone else, should be able to launch for free at Fisherman’s Inn. Because if that’s what you are saying, you couldn’t be further from the truth. My post was an attempt to give the ski team some credit, in a sea of negative posts. I have bought a season pass, for that launch, ever since I found out they sold them. And before that, I paid the launch fee every time I launched from there.

    In reality, I don’t mind if the ski team is on the lake, and I don’t mind that they are based out of Fisherman’s Inn. Since my above posting, I have made a point to talk to some of the members, in particular the boat drivers (more of the fisherman should do this), and I have found that they really mean well. They try to stay away from us when we fish, but they told me that sometimes boats show up in the shadows when they weren’t there a few minutes earlier. Anyone who has been on the water, any length of time, has been surprised by boats sitting in the shadows. Enough with that, I am not writing this to stand up for the ski team.

    So back to me reaping the rewards of everyone’s labors.
    I don’t understand how you can sit there making assumptions about me, when you don’t even know me. I don’t even know how you deciphered my comments in the way you did! If anything, you should assume the positive, before piling on the negative. For everyone else reading this, this is what I actually said “Everyone has to agree, this is a great country! And if you don’t agree, you have that right too! Hey, and we all have the right to leave this country as well! MAN, this is a GREAT country!”.

    Now I really don’t want to jump to conclusions about your comments here, or the ones you made throughout the other discussion. Instead, I just want to say, and ask; “There are two kinds of people in this world “Givers and Takers””. When you post comments in any discussion, which kind of person are you?

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Your just a goof

    Morel King
    Posts: 526

    Anyone know the status of the fisherman’s inn launch nowadays ? Still the same grinch running it? Ski dox still out there in summer? Planning to ice fish there this winter but don’t want to be scolded for going fishing . Can a guy park at the small fishing pier just past the restaurant and walk out from there if launch is still being Bogarded ? Also are they dredging it out yet i seen a lot of movement in fields near reinkes corner recently assume they will be dumping all the waste sand there?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The dredging’s lagoon is being built right now just off Co. Rd 12 a half mile maybe off 63 to the west. North side.

    The Grinch still owns the place and unless you’ve ponied up the $100.00 plus for a permit you can’t park in his lot and walk out. You can use the county’s lot at the public piers and walk out, nothing he can say about that. Moon the customers if you want too.

    Gotta be a bit careful with early and late ice when you leave shore near that north pier. There’s a pretty good eddy current thru there all year long and ice can get iffy unless its been cold, cold. Right up next to the rock is the worse area. Once on the sheet you’ll be fine.

    Morel King
    Posts: 526

    Thanks for the update and good to know about the current through that area before hand ,more power to anyone willing to pay him for launch permits but after hearing how he goes about his business i wont spend a red cent penny there for food or launch

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