Well guys its almost the middle of March and its getting closer to ice out time again. So its gotta be time to start thinking about some open water fishing. The ”FIRST” person to pick the correct date of total ice out this spring on Lake Zumbro, all the way out to the dam, will be chosen the winner by me to win a 6-pack of Mini-Mites from HOF paid for by me [so don’t worry Tom, lol] . Granted its not a big prize but its something to add alittle to guessing of the correct date. For anyone who doesn’t know what Mini-Mites are, they are a jig and plastic combo that has proven to be possibly the best fish catching lure on the lake. HOF sells them so be sure to stop in and check out the colors so you will know which ones to pick in case you are the winner. The winner may pic any colors that he wants for his prize. When picking a date its to your benefit to check what other dates have been picked before as if you pick the same date that someone else already picked your pick won’t count if its the winning date because someone picked it ahead of you. Good luck everyone and I wish you ALL a VERY fun catching season on the water in 2009.
Thanks, Bill
March 16, 2009 at 1:58 am