Zumbro 13 Sept.

  • Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Well I finally made it out on Zumbro. I met my brother Bob (BobR08) and nephew Andy. Bob has been on the lake once before, it was the first time for me.

    I liked the fact that there was basically no wind and that it was fairly warm out. On the other hand we got SOAKED. It rained all day.

    We caught a lot of fish today: Bluegills, Crappies, Sheephead, Smallmouth, Redhorse….we even had a Muskie come out from under the boat and take a swipe at a sunfish I was reeling in. We sorted through the sunfish and kept a few for a meal. We found most of our fish on sharp drops that fell from 10 to 15 feet and they were close to the bottom. It was a lot like ice fishing. Drop the jig to the bottom, pick it up a little bit and watch carefully for a light bite. By the way, that Redhorse Sucker gave me the fight of the day. They can really move around.

    There was a big hatch of Tricos today. These are tiny little black Mayflies. They’re not a lot bigger than a mosquito. The wind blew a bunch of the spinners up against The Steps and the smaller sunfish were all over them. It was great fun just to sit there and watch the fish cruise around and pick off these bugs. If only I had brought a flyrod along!

    The best part of course was the opportunity to spend the day with my brother and nephew. Even the rain couldn’t stop us from having fun.


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