I don’t think there are more fishermen in the open water season, as I can very well remember LOTS of boats at parking ramps many many years ago when Nate little, but last winter did see TONS of pressure and if there was alot of fish kept then its certainly going to hurt the population bigtime. Last winter saw a good bite for many months which is something we haven’t seen for many years as our ice season has been alot shorter than it use to be up til last year. We have also seen the water levels bounce up and down more often this year too which can throw the bite off. Its VERY important that we ALL remember that this is a small delicate [its not big like the Mississppi River or huge lakes] fishery and if we want good fishing we MUST put most fish back. I’m not saying its not ok to keep some fish for a meal once in awhile but we need to put most back, especially the big ones [the better spawners and better genetic fish] back or we will destroy the gem we have in our backyard so to speak. Granted not every year can be ”hot” years but we, the fishermen, can help determine how many hot years we get by taking care of the fishery and putting most back. As far as lowering the limit on Lake Zumbro, you bet. I’m definately in favor of that. Thats another step in helping to preserve this fishery. Anyone else feel that the limit should maybe be lowered on the lake along with a push for selective harvest?
Lake Zumbro Fishery – Too many Fish Being Kept?
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