Lake Zumbro Update

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I took a drive out to Lake Zumbro after work tonight to check the water/ice condition and there is a good size open water area down to the 2nd bay past Fishermans Inn. The rest of the lake looked pretty much still iced up. The gate is still locked at Sandy Point ramp. Stopped over at Fishermans Inn and there were guys out there in the bay ice fishing. Dan Theim was out there along with Andy and a few other guys. As I was walking out on the ice to talk to Dan his rod had a nice bend in it and he caught the catfish in the pic. The bite was slow but crappies and perch were being caught. Dan thought the ice was around 8” thick but when he measured the spot he was fishing in it had 14 inches of ice with the top 3 inches being bad so the ice thickness could vary throughout the bay. If you venture out there becarefull cause there are a few ice holes that are opening up bigger than they were drilled and a person could fall through in those. Dan was fishing in an area quite aways away from any current. You have to enter from the end of the green dock and stay on the paths where you see foot prints but watch for holes and soft spots.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Heres a pic taken from off of the end of the point at Fishermans Inn.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Dan is the one on the far left.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    This pic is taken from the downstrean side of the point. Have to admit that that open water looks mighty fine.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    You could have photo-shopped in some green in pic #2, but that “water” is preferable to the “white water” shown in the others shots.

    Had quite a few different ducks on the water yesterday and a pair of loons. I was casting the open stuff and got a few crappies on plastics along with a smallie of 19 inches.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Nice Pics Bill !!
    If the forcast holds temperature wise and we get a little wind it should really start opening up.
    I have a fealing with the gas prices the mighty
    Zumbro is about the only body of water I’ll be
    fishing this year.(Beside club tournaments.)

    Zumbro Falls Mn.
    Posts: 387

    Not to worry Tom, that ice was really soft on the top and it’s slowly eating away from the bottom also. So it won’t be too much longer and the old farts like you and Bill can get you open water fix on.

    There are numerous open holes to watch out for. Some as wide a 6 feet across. And if ya kick at an old ice hole ya can open it up pretty wide. So be very carfeul if anyone ventures out there. Hate to hear of someone getting swallowed up.

    Thanks for stopping out to visit with me Bill.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    It was very nice chatting with you Dan. Always is. Concerning age bud, I hate to be the one to break the news to you but at your age it doesn’t take long to catch up to Tom, Mike and I. Time flys by way to fast.
    Thanks, Bill

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I got into smallie heaven this morning….caught 7 and lost one. The crappies were decent sized today too.

    In addition to the loons again, I saw a bunch of woodies and a huge mink.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443


    I got into smallie heaven this morning….caught 7 and lost one. The crappies were decent sized today too.

    In addition to the loons again, I saw a bunch of woodies and a huge mink.

    Who was wearing the mink coat CT?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    This mink actually had 4 legs. Now the mink in the window……only had two and they went….you heard about it.

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