Looks like some more fall rains are upon us as its forcasted for a few days. We already have a no wake on Lake Zumbro due to high water but the rains could be a blessing in a way IF we don’t get too much so theres no flooding. They will keep the pleasure boaters, water skiers in their wet suits off the lake and the jet skis going slowwww if they show up. What does all this mean? It means no waves to goof up boat control when working docks, brush piles, and casting to rocky shorelines so cheer up guys. The no wake can be a blessing too if we look at it in a positive manner. You are a hunter you say? No problem…I hunt too…hunt for fish that is. So get out and hunt for some fish before the water turns hard.
With some luck [a nice long fall before the water turns hard] we will be able to put alot more hours on the open water before putting the ice fishing stuff to work. Besides…the fish are hungry and somebodys got to feed them.
Thanks, Bill
October 14, 2007 at 11:12 pm