I fished Chester Woods (I think it’s also called Bear Creek Reservoir now) last wed for bass. The wind was blowing and it looked like it might rain. Needless to say we were the only boat out there fishing. We had good success throwing jigs and texas rigged worms along the shorelines and casting to some of the trees in deep water. Nothing over 13″ but hey, we were out there fishing (and I didn’t have to drive 3 hours to get there! ). I’ve been hearing rumors of some nice bass caught out there….can anybody fess up on a bass over 16…17 inches??
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Regional Forum – Rochester MN » Chester Woods
Chester Woods
August 27, 2003 at 3:20 pm #274401
Hey Newt,
I have seen pictures of 3 bass this year that were in the 5-6 lb. range from Chester Woods and also heard of a 7 lb.+ monster. The orignal stocked adult bass are probably over 7 lb. now and their offspring are almost certainly in thaT 5-6 lb. range. The good news is that these large bass were released.
Good Fishing,
MikeAugust 27, 2003 at 10:52 pm #274483Do you need a permit to put your boat in there? What are the rules on that lake besides trolling motor only? Does the main motor need to be tipped up? Certain hours only ? Thanks, Bill
August 27, 2003 at 11:16 pm #274496Mike
When were the bass first stocked and has the DNR continued with the stockings? I’ve heard of some of those huge bass being caught as well. 7 Lbs + and right near Rochester.
Hey Newt,
I have seen pictures of 3 bass this year that were in the 5-6 lb. range from Chester Woods and also heard of a 7 lb.+ monster. The orignal stocked adult bass are probably over 7 lb. now and their offspring are almost certainly in thaT 5-6 lb. range. The good news is that these large bass were released.
Good Fishing,
August 27, 2003 at 11:47 pm #274160Sounds to me like someone else is getting ideas-Cast, plunk, reel, set, alright!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big bass!!!!!!
August 27, 2003 at 11:53 pm #274506Anyone else been out there fishin lately. Heres your chance to step up on the braggin stand and tell us how good you did, what worked best, what didn”t work, what you should of done, what will work next time, whats your favorite way to fish that lake, etc. And ”Thanks” in advance for sharing. Thats how we all learn. Thanks, Bill
August 28, 2003 at 12:46 am #274516Hey guys,
No special permit needed to use a boat, and I have seen motors not tipped up, so I would think its not necessary.
Here is the data on what has been stocked in Chester Woods:
Year Species Age Number
1996 Bluegill Adult 998
Black Crappie Adult 54
Channel Catfish Yearling 2,561
1997 Black Crappie Adult 1,934
Bluegill Adult 1,718
Channel Catfish Yearling 3,440I don’t think they intend to do any other stocking unless conditions dictate the need. Chester seems to be a very healthy fishery. One of the interesting things about this lake is that the DNR manages it toward the idea of it being a world class bluegill fishery. The reason there is a rule about releasing all bass under 15 inches is to keep the bluegill population in check. It seems the smaller bass eat lots of small bluegills.
The lake also has some very large catfish – the largest I’ve heard of is 17 lbs. and the largest I’ve caught was about 9 lbs.Good Fishing,
MikeAugust 28, 2003 at 12:49 am #274517Thanks Mike. I believe you need a permit [fee to camp or yearly park permit] to camp there but is a permit needed to go on the premise and launch your boat? Thanks, Bill
August 28, 2003 at 4:21 am #274445Well those channel cats will do a darn good job on the small gills too. Thanks much for the info Mike.
August 28, 2003 at 10:59 am #274592Hey Bill,
Yes, there is a $3 daily fee to enter the park or a $15 annual fee. Camping is additional. The entrance fee is required for every car/truck but not exclusive to a car/truck pulling a boat.
Good Fishing,
MikeAugust 28, 2003 at 1:16 pm #274513Every year I contemplate buying a season pass (might ‘force’ me to get out there more often) but have been buying the $3/day pass instead. This was the first time out there this year but probably not the last. There is no restriction on having your big motor up or down. In fact, I was telling the gate guy about the time my son (who had a cast on his foot) and I got drenched trying to get back to the launch in a storm . He told me that I could have fired up the big motor to get in faster in that situation.
August 28, 2003 at 2:15 pm #274621i caught the biggest bass of my life out there while i was ice fishing for sunnies. i don’t do a lot of bass fishing, but i’d say it was in the 4-5 pound range. a very nice fish.
September 8, 2003 at 8:47 pm #275635HEY NEWT,
MY BUDDY FROM DOVER SAID HE CAUGHT A 20.5 INCHER OUT OF CHESTER WOODS ON A TUBE 12-14FT. IT WEIGHED ABOUT 5.5LB ACCORDING TO A SLIGHTLY RUSTED SPRING LOADED DELIERSeptember 8, 2003 at 10:59 pm #275670And just think, these fish are all caught on Rochester Area lakes without big bass boats and lots of fancy thrills added. We can ALL have fun fishing whether in a boat, wading, shore fishing or what have you. Keep sharing guys. This is how we all learn, grow, and learn new spots and ways to enjoy fishing. Thanks, Bill
September 10, 2003 at 1:10 pm #275834Oh ya, I forgot about the 7lb rule
Might be headin over to Cedar with Hack after work tonight. If your in neighborhood stop on over.
BASS9Posts: 2September 17, 2003 at 11:58 pm #276490I went out fishing at Chester woods a couple of weeks ago fo bass. Not much luck at all . I was wondering if anyone out there could give me some tips about catching bass at Chester. What kind of lures?? any special tricks?? Be great to hear from someone…. thanks for your help
September 18, 2003 at 12:50 am #275966for some reason i have not been hearing as many good reports coming from chester woods this year as i have in the past . 2-3 years ago we were hammering the bass and sunnies out there, both during the summer and the winter. but last year the few times i was out we hardly caught a fish . i don’t no what happend. i’m sure there are still fish in there, but they seem harder to come by.
September 18, 2003 at 1:56 am #276504JAKE
I’VE HAD LUCK USING 1/4 OUNCE BLACK AND BLUE TERMINATOR FINESS JIGS WITH A SMALL PLASTIC CRAYFISH TRAILER (BLUE GLITTER). MOST CONSISTANT ACTION BETWEEN 12-15FT OF WATER. VERTICLE JIGGING NEAR BOTTOM. BIGGER FISH NEAR THE SUBMERGED STUMP ISLAND NEAR SWIMMING BEACH, AND THE BIG TREES ON FAR WEST SHORE AREA. I’VE ALSO CAUGHT SOME NICER FISH THROWING A #5 RATTLING FAT RAP SHAD COLOR AROUND BIGGER TREES IN 25-30 FT OF WATER. GOOD LUCKSeptember 18, 2003 at 11:07 am #276519The reports I’ve heard all seem to have a common thing – fishing close to the wood and usually a little bit deeper. I’ve only been fishing on Chester Woods once this year and caught a lot of nice gills, a few bass and a few crappie. All my fish were caught on 1/32 oz. jigs tipped with waxies.
I’m looking forward to the good ice fishing for gills and crappies!Good Fishing,
MikeSeptember 18, 2003 at 1:23 pm #276534I’ve had the most consistent success fishing for bass along the point on the S.E. side, I always get bit 2 or 3 times working that point. Sit out in about 10′ of water and throw plastic worms or a jig to the shoreline and work it back. When you get it under the boat try vertical jigging a couple times. Repeat. I use a very similar jig setup as Riggy – 1/4 oz blue bitzy bug and a blue crawfish trailer.
September 19, 2003 at 1:28 am #276658NEWT,
HAVE YOU CAUGHT ANY BIGGER BASS ON THE WORM? I HAVE YET TO CATCH ONE OVER 13.5″ ON THAT BAIT FOR SOME REASON. :September 19, 2003 at 1:54 pm #276709Not on Chester Woods this year but previous years I have pulled in a couple around 18″.
KenjackPosts: 19October 14, 2003 at 6:42 pm #278622Hi Guys,
I have been to busy to register and post, but when I can I sneek out to Chester. I fished 2 Sundays ago and did pretty well. I’ve tried all sorts of artificials but I keep coming back to fatheads and a slip bobber. Not only have the bass been hitting but a few big crappies have come on board as well. The biggest bass I’ve caught on Chester was 4 1/2lbs right before the lake iced up late last fall right off one of the fishing piers. I now have a boat and have done allot of exploring over the summer when I get the time.
Throwing the fatheads right up to shore in a couple of feet of water has really been effective.
By the way, how do you catch those channel cats in the summer? Are they stump lovers in deep water? When I’ve tried a couple of times I haven’t fared well at all!
Thanks for any help with the cats.
October 14, 2003 at 8:22 pm #277894Hi Ken,
Glad you decided to start posting!
I have never specifically targeted the catfish in Chester, but have caught several when trying for bluegills. I’ve always caught them when using a nightcrawler suspended a couple feet below a bobber. Other folks have found some very large cats next to wood in deeper water. Anyone else have any reports on the cats out there?Good Fishing,
MikeJune 10, 2018 at 6:56 pm #1779493Anyone been out bass fishing at Chester this year? I bought a park pass this year and plan on getting out there on a regular basis. I have not done much bass fishing anyone have any tips they can share for Chester for landing bigger bass? The times I have fished for bass at Chester I always catch quite a few but all on the small side.
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