Weds. Mornings with Mike [HOF]

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    For those who are not aware of it, there are a number of us fisherpeople who converge every Weds. morning on HOF and have us an informal jam session. We talk fishing. We talk sports. We talk serious and light-hearted as well. We get together from 7AM until 8AM…..the we make Mike go back to work.

    There is no agenda, nor is yhere any cost. Chances are that a dozen donuts will be there and Mike offers the coffee.

    These micro meetings allow us to meet face to face…..put a face with a name….it makes all of what is read here “real”.

    Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in. On any given Weds morning one can find probably no less than 100 years of collective fishing knowlege milling around and more is open welcome to be added. Come on out.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    On any given Weds morning one can find probably no less than 100 years of collective fishing knowlege milling around

    CT? The hundred years…are you talking about you or Mike?

    I would start taking notes…”Wednesdays With Hof” could be a best seller!

    Ok…I might have had too much sugar this morning.

    I’m looking forward to coming down that way again…pickled sunfish on the ice and fried sunfish in the evening…WooHOO!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Mike and I would make up the century mark, Brian. The remainder would be others who toss in more aggrevation than imformation. But they bring good donuts!

    We had a great bunch in there this morning. Not too much x-rated stuff as we actually had the company of a young lady type angler. We’re moving up Brian….better hurry. lol

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 260


    The remainder would be others who toss in more aggrevation than imformation. But they bring good donuts!

    Somebody has to be there to represent us Catfishing/Sturgeon dudes. BK, can you believe they ganged up on me today? I know you got my back thou.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s their feeling of catching small fish Tyler. We as big fish guys have to be sensitive to this.

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