I’ll chimne in from a fly fishing persepctive. We’ve been using streamers, mainly Zoo Cougars, which are tied to mimic shiners, chubs, and any other small baitfish that are common and prolific on smallie streams right now. The elevated water temps really get the baitfish moving, thus the smallies get going and literally chase down your streamer.
Streamer fishing is really no different than casting a Rapala – we false cast (double haul even for more distance), land the fly, and retrieve it much like spinning gear.
The key is the retrieve. Sometimes it’s straight strips, other times it’s a jerking, bouncing movement, sometimes it takes a retrieve and then a dead stop for them to pick it up. Typically we fish downstream to upstream, but not always. Most of the better fish we’ve caught have been in the bigger, slower water off the edges of riffles and drops. They haven’t been directly up in the fast water as one might suspect.
Standard gear for me is 9′ 5 weight overlinged with 6 weight line (intermedite, so it sinks a bit), a sinking leader and 3x fluorocarbon tippet and maybe some split shot to help get the fly down a bit.
I’m sure the spinner and rapala guys are catching oodles of smallies, but the fly fishers can put up big numbers and big sized fish also.
With the heat and low water, I’ve been doing way more smallie fishing this summer than I have been trout. It’s also pretty simple to pack a fanny pack and wet wade versus wearing waders in 90 degree weather combined witha vest full of gadgets and fly boxes
Another two cents,