Indeed, welcome to IDA.
It was a spwcial treat to see the one who made this place a reality….Mr. Foster himself. I have met him a few times over the years….sometimes when I didn’t really want to
You could tell that he was not real pleased with the amount of trash out there and that yes, he was grateful for our little clean-up.
I think we all agreed that it is the water that need the most picking up and hopefully I can get the flat bottom on there to get this done in the next couple weeks. Any help will be accepted. Graciously.
Matt….thank yyou for the eats that followed the work. That really hit the spot! Tell your wife thank you for putting that together for us!
Asalways, this was a chance to put a face with a name and to be able to spend yet more time with those who are no longer strangers. Lots of discussion came from the couple hours spent there and hopefully we can continue to get organized enough to approach the city with an offer to help with the quandry they find themselves in with Foster.
This was a magnificent effort Matt! Thanks for getting it started and all that you did from your end. It was time well spent, for sure!