When all else fails…..read the directions or in this case read the rules. I fished out of my youngest sons [Nate] boat tonight for the HOF Leaque Event and learned that lession….sorta.
I spent the first two hours watching him tossing back crappie after crappie as they weren’t big enough he said yet I couldn’t catch one. For that period of time I caught bass and perch, bass and perch, bass and perch. The rules apparantly say only crappie and bluegills count for the event. It was like nobody told me as all I could catch was bass and perch. Nate said he didn’t even know there was perch in there until I kept showing him there was time after time after time. Wrong contest for me I guess.
After two hours it finally sunk in that the bass and perch just weren’t going to be excepted at the weigh in. So I finally got it straight after two hours and started catching the right spiecies. Whewwwww, didn’t think I was ever going to catch on and get with the program.
But still 4th place still is along ways from his first place so I need to come up with a plan to get it right sooner next time. Maybe I’ll tie a string on my finger and hope I can remember why I tied the string on my finger.
As you can see these events are ALOT of fun. Some of us learn alot faster and some of us….well….we have FUN anyways.
Hope to see you all at the next [every Thursday night] Hooked On Fishing Leaque Event.
Now what spieces am I suppose to be catching???
Thanks, Bill
June 29, 2007 at 4:41 am