Foster Arend Trash

  • Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    Thur morning (6/14) I stopped by Foster Arend Lake to just look around and was absolutely amazed at the trash scattered all over the parking lot, grass, & beach – it was like a tornado deposited a ton a garbage there. Most of it was pop bottles, beer cans, and various paper products.

    I know this is a spot where local teens hang out in the evening, but could they have made such a mess? If so, we need to teach our kids to better take care of our environment. It was disgusting.

    Dave Gulczinski

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I could’nt agree more with you Dave .
    Every time I went there in past,I spent more time picking up trash than fishing
    NOT my idea of fishing by any means, which is also the formost reason I dont fish there ANYMORE .
    would rather drive to Lake Z or to the river.

    We can preach all we want to people about enviromental protection ,but its up to them to protect it for thier future.
    I will contue to do my part in the areas I do fish tho

    Its sad to see some people JUST DONT CARE


    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Funny you should mention that.I just got of the phone with Parks division of Roch. I told them that place is digusting.Trash everywhere teenage drinking and dogs rooming freely. Thugs on the beach and the parking lot.Please call or write letters to the city police or send letters to our PB editors.Denny from Park and Rec dept said his solution is to put up signs that say please pickup your garbage. What a joke!!!

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    All the politics around this town is a joke

    no offense to anyone just my opion and its end here

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    This has been an issue for years. Denny is not the problem and his solution is the best the park department can do other than to try to keep up with the trash if the current policies are maintained.

    Politics IS a part the problem, yes, but the big head-ache is the lack of law enforcement out there. The problems noted here in this thread are simply the beginning and the end points, with the ugly stuff taking place well away from the convenience of a parking lot. The problem people KNOW that no one is going to approach them when they are away from the lot.

    One thing that could be done is to put a deposit on every item of fast food taken away from the establishment selling it….like ten times the value of the meal. Allow anyone to redeem the trash to reap the reward. Another idea might be to have a system similar to TIP to call in violators’ vehicle license numbers with a resulting penalty of loss of driving license for a year, 500 hours of picking up road-side garbage wearing a pink speedo and a pink tee-shirt that says “I’m the trash fairie”, fine the fool and charge the PARENTS of such with littering and a 1000 buck fine. In the case of someone being over 18 the parents go free but the offender can get the fine.

    It doesn’t do any good to get mad at Denny, his hands are tied. Get mad at the reason and get mad at why it doesn’t see a solution, other than pointing the finger at an inert party.

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    I appoligise for even using Denny’s name.I didnt mean to put any blame on him as a individual.But with that being said who is going to step up and try to clear up some of the digusting things and activity out there. The Rochester Police told me they dont have the money or time to do much out there unless someone calls in with a cell phone with a specicific situation. PS what is “Dennys” title and what are his respondsibilites?

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Mat03z….this can be a heated issue and too often people put the blame where it really doesn’t belong. So you know, I didn’t read it as such and just wanted to clarify.

    His name is Dennis Stotz and he has been with Parks and Rec a long time. What his official title is I cannot say, but will assume it is somewhere in the assistant director area. I saw Dennis at Foster just this week earlier, quite early in the morning in fact, clip-board in hand, so feel good that he knows of the problem first hand.

    Clean-ups have been done out there during the winter months. I know because I have spearheaed some of them. You might be amazed at how fast a good thing can be filthied up again though. Personally I think that blanket parties and very high deposits on all fast food wrappers that leave the point of sale is the answer.

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    i think they need to put more trash cans up around there that would be a could idea

    but why can’t everyone just pick up after themselves as we do

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Its against the law to litter and the fine is expensive. The city could make alot of money by policing the area some. Cell phones and reporting people littering can help to make it come to an end. Maybe a couple signs put up out there by the city giving the tip number to call for reporting people littering would put it to a stop. Something also saying ”pick up your trash or pay up to a 700.00 fine” would get some attention I would think.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 56

    i think they need to put more out on the trails.yea,it might make a little more work for the park and rec,but come on,dont they have it pretty easy already.

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    thats a good idea bill do they even got any trash cans out there

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    If I remember correctly there should be two out there. They sure could use a few more with all the use that lake, park and swimming beach get.
    Thanks, Bill

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    maybe we should ralley together and try to get a couple more out there i think if they were placed in the right spots there would be alot less trash out there cause it seems to be people are just to lazy to walk to a trash can thats far away

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Just a thought on another possiblity. Maybe a group calling themselves “Friends of Foster/Arends” could be formed to spearhead this sort of activity? There is a similar group already in place called “Friends of Chester Woods” (or something like that) I believe.

    Good hour from whitewater
    Posts: 468

    What if some of the community service sentences the court system hands out to the local wrong doers included some time under the direction of the park and rec dept.Sounds like they could use the help,And what a way to get the point across to someone disrespecting the park property if they get caught littering etc.How does a person go about making the judge(s) aware of the problem and suggest something be done along these lines? Do the park and rec people need to take the matter up with the city council maybe? Just a thought.

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448


    Just a thought on another possiblity. Maybe a group calling themselves “Friends of Foster/Arends” could be formed to spearhead this sort of activity? There is a similar group already in place called “Friends of Chester Woods” (or something like that) I believe.

    lets do it mike what you think it will take to get this started

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443



    Just a thought on another possiblity. Maybe a group calling themselves “Friends of Foster/Arends” could be formed to spearhead this sort of activity? There is a similar group already in place called “Friends of Chester Woods” (or something like that) I believe.

    lets do it mike what you think it will take to get this started

    Who else would be willing to participate in this? Once we have a few people, then let’s start kicking around some ideas.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    Situations like this make me sick…..half of me is blessed, and half of me is cursed….whenever we go out, my daughter comes back with buckets of other peoples’ trash (including cig butts…ewwww) and she just hates to see the environment cluttered….my son, on the other hand, couldn’t find water if he fell out of a boat, and would be too lazy to pick up a quarter, so he “doesn’t notice” trash….

    We’ll keep doing our part, but people….people….gosh, take care of it, it’s the only earth we have

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    you in big d lets get that place cleaned up

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Anyone else interested in try to help out with this trash problem at Foster Arends? It doesn’t take long for a bunch of people to walk around a small lake like Foster Arends with a plastic garbage bag and pick up some trash at different times of the year. I also would like a phone number where people can call to report littering when we see it if anyone knows how to get that number. Littering has a very pricy fine and if people who litter get fined then they will think twice before they continue to ruin the lake and park for others. After all, we are ALL anglers so please lets NOT litter on our lakes and shorelines. Lets ALL do what we can to keep our lakes and shorelines clean so we don’t ever have to worry about the lakes/parks ever being closed because the city feels we anglers don’t care about these lakes because anglers are littering them up.
    Thanks, Bill

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    maybe we should talk to the park and rec and see if we can get some littering sings put up out there you know the ones with the fine on it and maybe a number to call ifd you catch someone littering and i will put a posting up for sign up list for a clean up crew and pin it the top of the forums

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    I persoally think signs are a waste of money.The people that are littering arent smart enough to read. Also they would have to be printed in at least 3 different languages. I like Bills idea of writing up some fines. Also by picking up after a teenagers mess at home I dont agree that picking up after them on the beach will only make things worse in the long run. Because then they will think someone here is getting paid to pickup my trash,heck Im creating job security for them,so why should I bother

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The beach area isn’t nearly as bad as the shoreline areas around the lake. They are less likely to be seen in those areas so they seem to figure what the hec and litter. They don’t realize that they are giving anglers a bad image and then they wonder why some people don’t want anglers on their property that surrounds a lake like Silver Creek. Either we take care of what we have for fishing waters or we could someday lose everything. Simple common sense tells me to pick up after myself.
    Thanks, Bill

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I would help out if I could. Let me know when.


    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    I wonder if after this drowning accident if there will be any lawsuits filed against the city of rochester ???

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    I wonder if after this drowning accident if there will be any lawsuits filed against the city of rochester ???

    When you get down to it a person who chooses to swim someplace really has only himself at fault. It was he who decided to go swimming there. Common sense says you can’t sue someone if you were careless or whatever but common sense doesn’t always hold up or mean anything in situations like this sometimes. I wonder what caused the drowning. Did he not know how to swim? Muscle cramps? What?
    Thanks, Bill

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Lawyers always find a loophole to sue.What city public beach in the state of MN. has no lifeguard or any supervision ? Also his swimming might have been impaired due to alcohol consumption.Also what city park allows public intox. or alcohol consumption ??

    mark p
    Posts: 65

    Quite a few people have drown on the Mississippi this year. Most/all were in boats and did something stupid. Maybe the state government should pass a law that no one can boat on the Mississippi so that this won’t happen anymore. Using the same logic maybe we should outlaw hunting so that no one dies from getting accidentally shot while in the woods.

    It’s very tragic that someone drown in FA, but it’s not the governments fault. People have to take some responsibility for their own actions in this country and not expect the gov’t to do everything for them. If we don’t, then we may end up with a gov’t that takes away everything under the guise of protecting us.

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Once again this is a city park and I agree with you that people should be responsible for their own actions,but in todays society it doesnt always work that way. The city has dropped the ball on this park in my opinion. All the signage in the world will not prevent law breakers.They need law enforcement out there and they need to write citations.The latest rumour in the PB is that it is against the law to swim outside the roped area.But the city of Roch. doesnt have it in the books and has not enforced it. To me that like posting a speed limit sign but never patroling the area to check for violators >

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