My reply is attached.
> Don Nelson
> Rochester Area Wildlife Supervisor
> 2300 Silver Creek Road NE
> Rochester, MN 55906
> 507-280-5066
> 507-285-7144 fax
> [email protected]
> >>> <[email protected]> 6/13/2007 1:30 AM >>>
> Sirs:
> I am trying to find out what is going on with the Silver Creek reservoir just east of Rochester MN. There is a sign on the gate of the DNR parking lot that does not seem to be an official DNR sign. I have attached a photo of this sign. Now for some questions regarding this sign as follows:
> 1. Is this an official DNR sign that has been placed there by the DNR? If it is not an official sign, please remove it immediately!!!!
> 2. Who is in charge of this management project? Please list all contact information and send me a copy of the guidelines and purpose of this project.
> 3. What is the project completion date?
> 4. Is it legal to park in this parking lot when launching a canoe into the silver creek to access the great fishing on this reservoir?
> 5. Who locks this gate on Jan 2 of each year?
> 6. Why have the original Army Corp. of Engineering plans for this reservoir not been completed? I am referring to the plans for public access and parking for the purpose of fishing at all of the Rochester flood control dam projects.
> 7. What can I (we) do to get the ball rolling to get this opened up for parking and public fishing.
> It seems there are a few individuals that want to keep this pond as there own private lake. It is very evident that there is now no place to park a vehicle legally any place along the road at the input to the reservoir or at the gate on the dam side. So the only place left to park is the DNR parking lot at the southeast corner. By the way, a $14 parking ticket may be cheap entertainment if you like to fish.
> I plan to fish this pond by any means possible during the summer and winter. Including after Jan 2. Please reply as soon as possible. Would getting a large petition going help in getting this opened up, or will it take several hundred people fishing there summer and winter as a protest. Let me know what we can do to get this opened up for public fishing as soon as possible. I plan on doing what ever is needed to get this done. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
> James M. Jelle
> 1244 9th Ave SE
> Rochester MN 55904
> 507-289-0478
> [email protected]
June 14, 2007 at 2:36 pm