Table Saw Help Needed

  • sbr_it
    Posts: 217

    Does anyone have a table saw I’d be able to use on either Monday or Tuesday evening? I have some boards I need cut and I usually use my father-in-laws, but his is out of service at the time. If you could send me a pm with your phone #, I can give you a call and hopefully work out the details. THanks.


    Posts: 3239

    If you can’t find someone you can always ask a local

    cabinet shop if they can cut them for you. You could

    also possibly try the high school’s woodshop or a

    vo-tech if there is one nearby.

    You probably won’t be able to cut them yourself using

    any of the above but at least you’ll get them cut.

    Good Luck,


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Or check the rental places in town if nobody has one you could use. Hope you find one.
    Thanks, Bill

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    you would probably get more replies if you had a location listed in your profile. How can anyone offer to help out if they don’t know where you are.

    Posts: 3239


    I was thinking the same thing until I saw that the
    post was made in the Regional Forum-Rochester MN.


    Posts: 217

    yes, I’m in Rochester.

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