Tuesday Nights

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Face it guys, Eric is the MAN. Hes very tough to beat and is my pick each Tuesday if we are picking who we think will win. The kids a good bass fisherman plain and simple. And of course theres Jerrie who can catch fish with the rest of them great bass guys fishing the Tuesday night tournies. These guys are all good at what they do. If you want to learn more about bass fishing get on down there on Tuesday nights and see how these guys do it. Fishing the tournies down there will teach you alot.
    Thanks, Bill

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


    Face it guys, Eric is the MAN. Come on Bill…..enough already.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Well, since I’m still on the hook for posting these results, there was 14 boats tonight.

    1st Eric Ronningen and Jim Kostroski 9-11
    2nd Scott and Travis Knutsen 7-02ish
    3rd Wyatt Apel and partner 5 something
    Big bass Scott and Travis Knutsen 4-13 LM
    2nd big bass Bradley Grevenhoff 4-12 it was a heartbreaker.

    The bite for tournament sized bass has went south this week. Only one limit brought in tonight.

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    again nicely done eric, i am guessing you were the only one who brought in a limit? You are on a terror this year and not just on the zum.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Congrats guys. Thanks Eric for the report. Very close big fish this time. Makes it exciting for sure.
    Thanks, Bill

    ps. Brad has been real quit. Whats up/new Brad? Your sharing has been missed.

    Anyone care to share techniques? Don’t want spots, just maybe some sharing on how to fish different techniques. It would sure help us guys who aren’t bass fishermen learn more.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    Im going to predict either Big Jerry or Greg to come home with the dub tonight. Eric wont sniff the top-3 for the whole month of august.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    I think thats a bet most of us want to take!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    8-7-07 results

    1st Scott Knutson 7-13 and big bass 5-06

    2nd Jerrrie Eckholt and Gene ? 6-08

    No limits tonight. The bass are a little tough to come by. We’ll all give her another go next tuesday.


    Who jinxed Eric?

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Even “the man” struggled

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    8-14-07 Bass tourney results on the Zumbro.

    1st Branden Gifford 13-05
    2nd Brian Ness and son 8-12
    3rd Mike Kepp and son 8-05

    Big bass Brian Ness

    I think there was 14 boats last night. Congrats to Branden. He has been coming all year and had some frustration but it looks as though he has figured something out. Way to lay the hammer down on us.
    There was 5 limits brought in so the fishing did improve some over last week.
    To anwser Branden question, we are weighing in at 8:30 now and it could have to be a tad earlier next week.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Branden, since you won, you hold the money next week. If at all possible you could be there earlier to collect it from us donaters. If not at all possible, 2nd place holds which was Brian Ness. And so on to 3rd.
    If you can’t Branden, no problem though.

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    hey branden Congrats. You were indeed due and you definitely found something out last night. You could have came in with 4 and still have done it. Nicely done. Showing us northern boys how to do it. ike

    Franklin TN.
    Posts: 58

    I don’t think I’m going to be able to get there early next Tuesday. My wife is a doctor at the clinic and she barely makes it out of there on Tuesday nights, and I’m usually late anyway. I’ll be able to help out on the Sunday morning tournaments. My apologies to everyone.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    ok. No problem. Don’t worry about it, we’ll figure it out. Just don’t bring in so much weight next week.

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    I am assuming there is no tourney tomorrow night with the no wake and chocolate milk. But maybe We could see who can catch the most weight of debris tomorrow night. Or who can take off all 3 or 4 blades of a prop. or lose a lower unit. Or cause the most damage to someones front yard as we could drive through them with our boats. ike

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I think that a few boats may still show up. I don’t think I’ll be there though. We have fished during no wakes before but its not too fun

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I don’t think they will let you launch. The last pitcure I saw, Fishermans Inn was way under water.

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    i would love to hear how tonights results go if people do show up. Would be curious as to what gets caught.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Heres a Tuesday am pic of the Fishermans Inn boat ramp area.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I think they would let you launch. I was down there the other day and people were launching and loading for some reason. Any body show?

    Franklin TN.
    Posts: 58

    I was out there Tuesday night. The fishing was tough and I only stayed out there for an hour and a half because the storm rolled in. I dumped one and missed one.

    The only good thing was that there was no boat traffic and no pot holes to deal with while launching.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Kudos to you !!
    Talk about a DieHard!!!
    Did you win???
    I quess we know whos holdin the money next week.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Any reports from last night. I was going to go but backed out due to the rain and no wake. I was able to catch up on some work instead.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Oh, by the way, I believe tuesday nighters are done now and we go to sunday mornings. I am not sure if we’ll do one right away this sunday or wait. I suppose right away if people want to show up since we haven’t really gone down much the last two weeks. I am not sure on times yet either. its either 6-11 or 12 or 7-11 or 12. I’ll do some checking.

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    anyone fishing sunday mornings? Any results i would love to hear them!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I fished the morning of the 16th. I had 16-09 for 5.
    there was 9 boats.
    I didn’t make it out yesterday. I was hoping someone had results from that.

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