Well with it being the opening day of Bass season and I am leaving int he morning for 2 solid days of trolling I figured I best hit a couple of my favorite farm ponds with 5 miles of my place. Started out throwing top waters with only a few 12″or so bass to show for it so I switched to Gulp in the shallows with only one 2 pounder to show so I went back to the truck before it started to rain to grab the camera and crankbaits. My main mission for me was to get familiar with a baitcaster for throwing cranks at Wing dams for eyes on the river and did not have one backlash today even with the wind . Anyways back to the report. I threw on a rattle trap nd rolled it over the deep holes in the pit I was fishing and man did I strike gold I caught around 30 or so bass biggest around 2 1/2 or 3 pounds, a dozen big crappies and gills, and 2 WALLEYES
…. Also had a very nice pike on up to the dock until it snapped my line while reaching for it
Anyways the bass are off the beds it looks to be and out deep and hungry so get out and hit some stremas for smallies or farm ponds and iron ore pits for largemouths
Plan to be on Pool 4 by morning. will Monday so will check back then
May 26, 2007 at 4:11 pm