Spring, Warm Temps, Open Water = Fishin, So…..

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Its Spring, the temps are warmer and we are getting alittle open water and that all means fishin. So…time to replenish the tackle boxes, buy that new line AND put it on the reels, add a few more more rods maybe, and waiting for the Opener to go fishin is NOT going to happen so we need some panfish lures in our box. What are your favorite crappie and Bullgill fishin lures? Going to try some new ones this year? If so, then which ones?
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    For panfish I’ve had very good luck the past several years using the Mini-Mite jigs so naturally they will be taking up alot of space in my tackle box. Another plastic that works well is the paddletail and I’ve had some luck with them. And of course you will find tubes, twister tails and hair jigs in my boxes too. I love fishing hair jigs [bucktails] so plans of deep water crappies [and walleyes] will be in my mind also when I hit the water this year. For walleyes this year will of course see 3-ways with floaters, bucktails are always great jigs to have in your tackle box. Long lining crankbaits and trolling leadcore feels right for Lake Pepin so thats a must too. Spring is a great time of year. Its a time of excitement. Its a time of planning. Its a time of dreams starting to come alive as we plan days on the water, trips to our favorite lake or river, start seeing open water becoming a reality as the ice starts to melt. Its a time of activity. We feel alive again as the warmer temps become real again. Its time to get busy getting ready for fishing if you haven’t already. Its a time to fish. What will you use for lures this season to catch fish?
    Thanks, Bill

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Bill, I like to start with a small hair jig, Blue&wht Flu-Flu Along with some you talked about. Doug

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Mini-mites are my favorite. I also will have small hair jigs, assorted small plastics, and live bait – both waxies and minnows.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Spent 9hrs on the water TODAY!! I was down on pool 5 with Riverfan, talk about a great day to be out!! HOF, for a moment I thought about ya sitting in the shop! J/K

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443


    HOF, for a moment I thought about ya sitting in the shop! J/K

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


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