willow creek

  • bbfdog
    Posts: 4

    any one been out on willow creek? how is the fishing on willow creek? thanks for any info

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 70

    word is that they are giveing tickets at willow for trespasing to all that are on the lake.
    that was told to me at the shop to day…..mike f.

    Posts: 217


    word is that they are giveing tickets at willow for trespasing to all that are on the lake.
    that was told to me at the shop to day…..mike f.

    Are you sure you don’t mean Silver Creek? Though I haven’t been there I thought Willow had public access with a parking lot, fishing pier, etc.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    It must be Silver Creek. Someone must of told Mike the wrong name by mistake. Willow Creek has a public Fishing Pier and a parking area.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 70

    woooops silver creek it is //old age!!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443


    woooops silver creek it is //old age!!!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607



    woooops silver creek it is //old age!!!

    WE are ALL getting older and this darn winter cold weather sure doesn’t help any. Sure am glad, more than glad even, tickled pink even, that the forcast calls for warmer temps and that we are over half way through Feb. Granted March can be windy and even get a few snow dumps on us BUT it melts fast with the warmer temps then. I think we ALL need some SERENITY that only open water fishing with the sun shining on us can provide to ease our cabin fever. Crappie fever, walleye fever, ok Briank even catin fever are all fevers that need to be adressed very soon by everyone and the only Doctors Medicine to do the job is open water warmer weather fishing. Come on spring.
    Thanks, Bill

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I took my little neighbor Cloe out fishing this afternoon at Willow. We did alright with about 10 sunnies, 3 perch, and a largemouth bass. A couple of the sunnies were decent size, but most of them were pretty small.

    Fished 9.6 ft of water on the Lowrance using waxies and red spikes. The flasher was key to get them to bight as you had to work them pretty good. If you got them to follow the bait, then they would bite, otherwise they were just lookers. All the fish went back down the hole.

    There is beginning to be a lot of trash on the lake. I had my little neighbor out picking up beer cans before we left. Please pick up after yourselves and pick up other peoples garbage if you see it.

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