
  • Crickschop04
    Posts: 72

    Headed out to chesterwoods about 4:30 yesterday and had mixed results partially due to laziness. We set up in the first group of trees from the boat landing on about 22 ft of water, and right away had fish come throught beneath us, but they were picky, and when they did bite it was hopeless unless you had a spring bobber. Sometime I would have to hold the jig completely still for up to a minute before the fish would bite. Jigging was needed to get them underneath, but they wouldn’t take it until it was completely still.
    Tonight I used a 3mm wolfram jig in gold with a waxie, that did the job until dark when I need to add a glow wedgie to get their attention. After a snarl in my line that needed to be broken off, I decided that it was a good time to try something else, so I tied on a #10 marmooska with just a waxie. This worked for the remainder of the evening. I noticed that after dark I was seeing fewer fish to I tied on a angel eye jr. glow spoon and jigged very agressively which would draw fish in, and then switch to the marmooska to hookem.
    Alright night in numbers, but the size was down, and I was too tired from pulling my shack to go outside and look for bigger ones. Anyone have ideas on getting to some better size out there?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Like the Linders and Dave Genz would tell you, you have to move, move and move to find them.

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Ron hit it on the head. You have to move & find fish that are willing to play! Look to deeper water right now, or a shelf that leads to deeper water. Sounds like your willing to change lures, Now just combine that with moveing a little bit and you should be in good shape. Good Fishin Doug

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