Drove down to Rochester area on Saturday for a little ice fishing. Fished KR7 Lake for 1st time and caught about a dozen perch, 6 small gills, and 1 small crappie. Didn’t keep any fish and fished from 10:30 AM until 2:30 PM. Biggest perch was 9 inches but only about 4-5 of the perch would have been big enough to keep. Had best luck using waxworms but I caught a few fish with spikes also. Ice thickness was around 6 inches or so. Does anyone know if there is a good population of larger perch
(ie. 10-11″)and gills (ie. 8-9″) in this lake? Stopped by Lake Zumbro on way home and fished near Fisherman’s Inn for 1 1/2 hours and caught 6 perch and 1 small gill. There was only about 3-4 inches of ice where I was fishing on Lake Zumbro and nobody else was out there. All fish were released on Lake Zumbro also. Any other reports from this past weekend? Thanks guys.