I went out on Chester Woods Saturday evening for a little fishing. The shoreline ice was gone at that point but I knew that the ice in the middle would be better than questionable so I hopped over 2′ of open water onto the existing ice (which proceeded to sink on me) and pulled the one man tub onto the safer ice. As I slowly trekked to where I wanted to be I was pounding the spud and checking the ice all the way. At that time there was a good 5-6 inches in most places where I was walking although there was definately soft ice at 5″ in places too. About 150 (roughly) yards out I noticed a spot in the ice that looked strange so I set the spud on it and the spud went thru a 1/2 inch of ice. This little area was NOT an old hole drilled by another angler, it was a random inconsistency in the ice that you would not notice if you werent being careful. Although the inconsistency was only a foot in diameter, I would not have noticed it if I wasn’t paying close attention and would have gotten wet. At this point I turned around and back-tracked about 50 yards and set up camp.
I made the trek while I still had daylight, I was wearing a PFD, I had picks around my neck and was methodically testing the ice where I was walking with my spud, so I felt comfortable going out. The ice there is not safe. I’m sure there are more inconsistencies than the one I found so if you are determined to fish please be careful! The 1.5″ of slush that was on the ice on my way out made the drag a bear, did no good for the ice and made finding inconsistencies near impossible…especially if that stuff freezes before it melts all the way.
By the way, the inconsistency I found was in the middle of the reservoir in I’d guess 20-25′ of water so how the inconsistency formed is not certain.