Bill gave me a DVD from In-Fisherman’s Nature Vision. The very latest and newest in ice-fishing revolutions, technology, equipment, etc.. One of their features that captured my interest was the new PAK SHACK. This is the most lightest, portable one man ice-fishing shelter that sets up in as long as it take to unfold a lawn chair That and it is about $100 or less.
Both Mike/HOF and I purchased one.
I set it up in the basement and was pleasantly surprized how quick it went up and how much room inside. There are a couple tricks to maximize it’s use.
Mike and I will field test these and report accordingly.
Haven’t been out on the ice with it, but already anticpating positive results.
My wife got the hang of it in 30 seconds, so that has got to tell you something.
Oh geez, now the women are going to want to go since it is comfy and warm.
December 16, 2006 at 2:12 am