Wab/Kell Area

  • Crickschop04
    Posts: 72

    Any more reports from the backwaters. Gonna be down there this afternoon, and I’ll be sure to post what I find.

    Posts: 66

    Crickschop04- Made it down to the Wabasha marina a couple hours today.I kept 7 sunnies and 1 perch out of about 30 fish or so. I tried my reel weeds out and didn’t really fish any holes without them. Never really saw many fish key up right on the weeds but there was always some fish hanging around.The big gills would sit an inch from the waxie and stare. The two inch summies would come up and hammer it and scare the gills away. Pretty fun to watch. I would have liked to catch a couple of those big gills though. Thanks HOF. I did it in style after picking up the shack license.It was fun to use all the toys at once.

    Posts: 72

    I opted for Wilcox on Friday night, and lets just say it didn’t “pan” out. I fished from about 4pm to 6:30 and managed three dink sunnies. After dark I had all kinds of fish following my jig up but I couldn’t get any thing to take. I fooled around with some of the new stuff I have purchased and the thing I liked the best was the Little Atom plastics they have some really nice movement too them, and I’m willing to bet that they are going to produce some nice gills once the Zum. freezes hard.

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