RAF (Rochester Area Fisherman) is happy to announce the 2006-2007 hard-water series of fishing events!
We will have about 6-8 events, approximately every 2 weeks once the ice is safe. As with the open-water series, points will be accumulated with the Grand Champion being the person with the most points at the conclusion of the last event.
As a reminder, in the open-water series we used the length of a fish to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 1st place was worth 5 points, 2nd worth 3 points, and 3rd worth 1 point. The points were awarded for each category of fish. Each person could only enter 1 fish in each category – if we have only sunfish and crappie, then each person could enter 2 fish – 1 sunfish and 1 crappie.
Dan Theim [email protected] or Mike Smith [email protected] will serve as contact people.
We would like your input! What would you like to see as far as location(s), fish to be entered, or anything else?
Let’s use this thread for questions, suggestions, or annoucements.
Good Fishing,