Not quite Bill 
I will apologize, as I have been lacking on the report sector
…..So here’s an over view of the last couple of weeks around the area for multiple species (I get around
Been out Flathead fishing 3 times in the last two weeks…’s been kinda slow for us….with only two fish coming to the boat….biggest going 17#s……the bugs were ridiculous the last time out last week
…..We’re getting out wednesday night again, and hopefully get a BIG one for my buddy who’s never caught a fish larger than a sunny 
Lake Winona has been kicking out oodles of fish, but once again the larger ones have eluded me thus far on the lake……..I’ve been mainly throwing Yum-Dingers and DEEP diving cranks along the deep weed edges…..biggest of the last couple outings was only 17″s…..nice fish, but not compared to what the lake has potential for
Got up to Lake Pepin on Saturday……spent some quality time fishing with my Ma and Pa……ended up doing fairly well on smallies using top water plugs along the shallower rocks…..size was agian lacking a bit, but I did get a decent 16.5″er….everyone got in on the top water action……top water smallies are a blast
…….Also had 10 pars through 12 holes playing Lake Pepin Golf Club that afternoon before we were driven off the course by lightning… it was a good day

Got out on the river Sunday afternoon after the rainstorms rolled through…..Suprisingly we found some VERY active fish!!!
Casting buzz-baits in 2-4′ water along a combonation of backwater rocks and weeds with a little current provide some great action……Not any monsters again, but one that went a finger nail under 18″……and a BUNCH of nice solid chunky fish….all in all, I’d say we caught 16-18 KEEPER bass (LG and SM) in 2 1/2hrs, along with a few smaller ones, and a few missed opportunities. Fish were in very predictable spots, and if the right cast was made, you were pretty much garaunteed a BLOW-UP!!! That’s why I love top water.
We did trie a couple wing dams looking for smallies but only found small fish… back to the Backwater’s we went
That was honestly, one of the more consistant day’s I’ve had all year for numbers and quality of fish on the river

So how’s that for a report