After a switch in plans I ended up fishing Chesterwoods this morning instead of Zumbro. I got there put my $$ in the envelope and box and proceeded to a closed gate. Evidently the ranger in charge overslept this morning. A car that came in behind me had gone over to the house to find him still at home in his PJs. Anyways she came back and opened the gate. Now for the fishing:
Action wasn’t all that consistent, but I did find a few fish here and there. Had to pretty much stick to the shoreline timber. Anything out deep was unsuccessful. Had a small mixed bag of fish come to the boat, bluegills, crappies and even bass(guess they didn’t get the memo not to bite until later in the month). A few of the bluegills that came in would be bulls in any body of water as I pulled in a 8.5″ and a one just a tad under 9.5″ Everything came in on plastics. Both Chart/Chart. mini mites and Culprit paddletails in purple/junebug and black/black with chart. tail. Fished everything below a float around 3′ down. Even had some wildlife grace my presence. All in all a decent morning. There should be plenty of fish to be caught on Saturday for the RAF event.