Yes, it was a good time. Great to meet Greg, a nice guy who knows how to ice fish. Always fun to spend time with Brian, good sense of humor and a top stick. Glad that guy didn’t run you over Brian, Mike and Greg with his pickup truck and smosh your fish. That is another story. The four of us almost beat the crap out of a inconsiderate and careless individual who barely missed Mike, Brian and Greg by only a foot with his PU. The fish were and are there. One just has to have patience and wait them out. Minnows landed the biggest and most crappies. The gills were very nice sized and the biggest went 9 inches. The four of us bantered about who was catching the most and largest, however after all was said and done, we each caught the same numbers and sizes. 25 feet of water like Mike said. Fish were tight too the bottom. Raise your jig a foot and watch em peel off the bottom and come up, take a look and only to fade away. The few dumber ones would hit her hard. Which color to use, hard to say since there were four of us and each used something different. If you decide to go out there and try it, take along, waxworms, minnows and an assortment of jigs and don’t forget to bring the patience.