Just A Thought, But A Fishin Thought

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Last Sundays GTG at Lake Zumbro was a blast. What does everyone think of having more. Nothing fancy, don’t need prizes [just braggin rights], lots of fish talkin, even some fishin , just a good o’l get together to fish and have fun. HOF and I have been talkin about this and wonder if theres an interest. Whats everyones thoughts?
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 1399

    I’m game, how about the Columbia River for some spring run walleyes and GIANT sturgeon? Hey, a guy can dream can’t he?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Oh yes a guy can dream. I’d even settle for the ice to leave Lake Zumbro for some nice crappie fishing on a warm sunny day. Setting the hook into a nice walleye on the Mississippi River would sure feel good too.
    Thanks, Bill

    Foley MN
    Posts: 71

    It sounds like a good idea. Getting together and talking fishing, it doesn’t get anybetter than that.

    Posts: 167

    I am always up for a rode trip.With you guys a great bunch.Just say when and where,I will try in make it.ICE JOHN FISH ON

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Count me in Bill!
    How about if we try different areas each time,just a thought.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Sounds good!!!
    Its kind of hard to get to know anyone very well,
    meeting them only once.
    Let me know when and were!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    So, it appears there is some interest. Maybe this could be an every other week fishing league. The winners for a given week would have bragging rights, and maybe we could keep a point system and have a fisherman of the year? I like Don’s idea about having this on different bodies of water.
    Anyone else interested or have any ideas?

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    In order to plan this we need to know how much longer the ice is going to last. Seriously, it would help. Reason being as we might as well have GTG’s during open water time too. Only problem with me is pretty much in April and first half of May it will be tournies on weekends or prefishing on weekends for people who are fishing tournies. But I’m only one person and this needs to continue as its FUN. Are we talking Sunday afternoons or a week night [during summer] or whats the plan Mike. Mike, could Mike Fischer open up for you in the summer on the day after the GTG night so you wouldn’t have to start work early on the day after the event if it were on a week night during the summer? Traffic can be very busy on weekends on Zumbro in summer. Whats ya thinkin Mike? I’m all ears.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I really would like to hear what others might like to see happen. I’ve got some ideas, but lets get some input from others.
    What do you guys prefer? Week nights, weekends, mornings, afternoons? Various locations? How often?

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    I really would like to hear what others might like to see happen. I’ve got some ideas, but lets get some input from others.

    What do you guys prefer? Week nights, weekends, mornings, afternoons? Various locations? How often?

    Good Fishing,


    Hey Bud, to answer your last question I need to know the answer to this question: How often are the fish bitin?

    Sunday afternoons til May then Thursday nights May thru Sept every week. Or could go Wed nights but more traffic at ramps on Wed with the waterski show and Tuesday nights is the bass tournies.

    Location = where the fish are. Lake Zumbro as can use your boat and has multispieces of fish. Do one of the weekly nights per month at Chester for a change up maybe.

    Time 5:00-9:00 for weekly night GTG. Noon – 4:00 for earlier months & later months [Oct thru April]

    Whats everyones ideas?

    Thanks, Bill

    ps. DO I hear a ”FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    PS. When doing the warmer weather boat GTGs even though we are ”one man teams” we could allow another person to fish in someones boat so people who don’t have a boat can still fish the GTGs.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Basicly looking for some guys to get together and fish and have some FUN. Any more interest in doing this on say a weekly or every two week deal? Any body and everybody is welcome. Sounds like FUN.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Bills idea sounds good.
    We usually have a few buddies that get together out there
    on thursday nights anyway.
    Might be able to get a few more on-liners!!
    May also want to think about the Ponderosa,because of the charge
    for ramp use at Fishermans.
    Just my two cents.
    Later,Brad G.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I like your 2 cents Brad. Are these just open water times on Thursday nights? What are you fishing for? Bass or any species? Ponderosa does sound best to me as free, good size parking ramp.
    Thanks, Bill

    ps. Are the bass tournies going to be held at the Ponderosa this year like talked about?

    ps. Thats right Briank…you could bring the little woman as your partner on Tuesday nights for the bass tournies and your catin friends up by the Twin Cities won’t see you. Could even bring her for the Thursday night gtg if this works out this way.

    Thanks, Bill

    [have camera will travel but don’t tell Briank]

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    I was thinking open water.Thats all I can think about.
    We were fishing for any species.
    We would keep em all in the live well and weigh them all together.And then release all.Total weight all species.We did keep a few crappies now and then. We had a blast and will probably try to do it again this year,when it fits in with everyones work schedules.
    Definately nothing to formal.

    As far as the tues. night Bass Tournament,Ihavent heard if they are going to switch to the Ponderosa or not.
    It would be nice to at least do the first one out of Fishermans as he gave a pretty nice break on the season pass last year.That comes in pretty handy some times.
    Later,Brad G.

    sidecar fisher
    Rochester, Mn.
    Posts: 245

    I would be interested in this on weekends, I work second shift so weekday evenings are out for me. Someone has to pay for my toys…….. lol Troy Pike

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Sounds like a great time. I will make as many as work permits
    Good fishin, Doug

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Mike [HOF], you have been quiet. Whats ya thinkin Bud?
    Thanks, Bill

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