Lake Byllesby

  • jmj83
    Posts: 40

    Anyone fished Byllesby at cannon falls yet this season?

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Well, as i drove by I thought i saw a bobber go down
    Welcome to IDA JMJohnson

    Posts: 193

    hey if you are ever willing to give it a go i’ve been meaning to get out there. heard there are big wallies and nice crappies. send me a pm if interested

    Randolph, MN
    Posts: 244

    I have my perm out there since the beginning of the year. Fishing has been pretty slow , but we just started to get into the crappies within the last week and a half. Before, all we were catching were walleyes about 12″ long. They were fun catching, but we never kept a single one. But, like i said, we have been getting some nice crappies (9-12″). It has been real spotty when they hit, usually after dark, then after catching a dozen real quick, it shuts down . I haven’t heard of anything real big coming out of the lake yet this season, but there really hasn’t been that many people out on the lake because of the poor weather. The ice is pretty safe though for walking and wheelers(there have been a few cars and trucks, but i don’t recomend, and i think the sherriff actually banned vehicles on the lake). Be careful on the ice and good luck fishing. Let me know how u do, if u make it out.


    Posts: 40

    thanks for the sharing much appreciated

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