*** Open water spot on Willow Creek !!!

  • UncleGrump
    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221


    Those of us who were on Willow Creek w/ the scouts yesterday found this.

    It is between the dam and the “flat” (N) side of the point. Area is small – maybe a foot or two in size.

    Its not marked – so don’t wander out there in the dark,
    and look ahead of you when you wander in daylight hours.

    When I saw it, I was 10-15′ away – did not attempt to get any closer.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Uncle G,
    Please elaborate a little more on where this is/was. I know the point you refer to, but the dam is long so that leaves this open water spot you refer to as being almost anyplace on the pond. Can you give us any better approx location?
    Thank you

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    It would be 30 yds north side of the big snow ball, Out in the middle. Hope this helps

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I saw it Sunday. Don’t know if its a spring or what. Didn’t like the look of it. Not a safe place to be around. The ice looked like it was much thinner around the hole edge and not like a big oversize drilled hole.
    Thanks, Bill

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