Same here…
Hey Bill, great chatting with you last night!!!
Same here Bud [yellowjacket]. Small world hey.
Keep us posted on your fishing outtings. We ALL learn from everyones sharing and thats what so neat about this site and everyone sharing and posting. We can’t be fishing everyplace ourselves but when we have different people talking about where they fished sharing both the good bites and the slow bites and what they used and how they caught their fish we ALL learn ALOT more about fishing.
And to show one of the benefits of being registered on the site a person can pm [private message] another person they see that is on the site. Yellowjacket send me a pm the other night when he saw I was on here and asked me if I was Nate’s Dad. Turned out that Yellowjacket was a teacher of Nates back when Nate was in school. We talked fishing and other stuff for probably an hour through pms.
In fact, Yellowjacket was a big positive influence on Nate. And he didn’t realize that til I told him. I called Nate on the phone while we were pming back and forth and now when Nates gets alittle more free time from working he and Yellowjacket are going fishing.
More reasons to get registered on the site and in case you are wondering – no staff person will contact you to try sell you something or anything like that. Its just another benefit for you to use to help you enjoy the site more. 
Thanks, Bill