I am more then pleased with my new MarCum three color flasher. I will share some observations after using it a couple of times. I will not compare it with Vexilar. I will not bad mouth or bash Vexilar, as it is a mighty fine flasher and those who have them, have an excellent flasher.
Rather will just make some observations about my MarCum.
It is crystal clear, the lines are sharp and very easy to read. There is no milky signals. I could easily see my size 12 Ratso at 24 feet with the gain set at only 2 1/2. I could see it constantly and did not have to fiddle around with the gain to try and keep locating it. If the fish swiped my waxworm, I could detect it because the signal got a bit weaker. Like the 20 foot depth ranges, easier to hone in on deeper fish. Have yet to play with the zoom feature, that should prove interesting as I can zoom into a five foot window ANYWHERE in the water column from top to bottom. I am not an electronical engineer and don’t begin to understand some of those specs. The MarCum has 1500 watts of power peak to peak. I have heard some argue that much power can cause problems? Regardless what flasher you choose, all will agree that sensitivity is upmost important in order to see the fish and especially your jig. Well my humble and uneducated opinion is this. Where does sensitivity get it’s backbone and strenght. My way of thinking is the 1500 watts of power. I maybe wrong. All I can say is I very much like what I can see with this MarCum. Clear, great signal seperation and CAN SEE my tiny jigs at any depth. Mike/HOF and I went together and he used his flasher. We were pretty close to each other and of course we jammed each other with interference. I clicked my interference rejection bottom only twice and completely wiped out any and all interference.
Bottom line, can you tell I love my new MarCum. Oh yes I do.
December 23, 2005 at 1:46 am