Isn’t it funny how a thread can go down hill so quickly when you mention
Putz’s name?
1 lb. leaf lard
10 lb. onions, diced
1/2 lb. butter
1 qt. heavy cream
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 tbsp pâté spice
1/2 gal. beef blood
Remove skin from leaf lard and dice. Smother onions well in butter, cool, add leaf lard. Add all other ingredients, stirring carefully when blood is introduced. Using a funnel, fill pork casings and twist to desired size.
Drop sausages into boiling water, lowering the heat immediately to prevent bursting. Using a small pot or ladle, keep the simmering water (170°F; 77°C) in motion. Cook the sausages for about 25 minutes.
Using a needle or toothpick, pierce one sausage; if no blood comes out, the sausages are ready. Remove from water and lay on sheet pans lined with side towels.