Backwater Bluegills

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Had a good time catching some big ol backwater bulls last night. I was fishing around the man made structures again over deeper water (10-15′). Casting a very small jig with a piece of crawler up TIGHT to the structure (usually banking it off the side of the metal )…..if it wasn’t up tight, it wasn’t getting bit……but once I figured that out, it was more or less a fish every cast .

    Size wasn’t unbelievable, but lots of 7 1/2″-8″ers…..with a few going too 8 1/2″ . Kept 10 nice ones for a fish fry…….mmmmmmmm

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Jake you rascal, you have peaked my interest. NO I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR CUTE TAN LINES. Rather those gills. You should take pitty on an old guy like me and take me to that same place, so I too could enjoy. So like when are you going to graduate from college? Isn’t this like your 7th or 8th year there? I am surprised some young lady hasn’t set the hook in you. Just remember, they don’t practise catch and release.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    You should come on down Ron…….heck, try draggin that dude from the bait shop down with ya…..If it’s sunnies you want, I’ll show ya a good fishin time

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I can attest to this…er…not the tan lines…guiding for gills I mean.

    It was after Jake guided (loose term – as he doesn’t charge) Gianni and I to a whimsical gill chasing adventure last winter…he was knighted “Official Lake Zumbro Guide”, by our queen Mr Cadwell in a tongue in cheek jesture. (Sorry Bill, but you have to be a queen to knight someone…don’t you?)

    His nose sensed gills like a buck in rut can…oh never mind!

    Take him up on his offer…he doesn’t ask just anyone to “come on down”. If it wasn’t for Gianni begging…I wouldn’t have been allowed to go…

    Jake, are you guys seeing any mayflies down that way at all?

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    And here I thought you were the Queen in your pretty little pink dress. [couldn’t resist Bud, you had it comin.]
    No Thanks, Bill

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    Jake, are you guys seeing any mayflies down that way at all?


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