Tuesday Night Weekly Lake Zumbro Bass Tournament

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Zumbro Tourny-7/12/05
    1st Eric R. and Jim Kreofsky (Helmet) 6-15
    2nd Kenny Stock and son 6-15
    3rd Tim Domaille/solo 5-7
    Big Bass ER and Jim K. 2-15

    There was 14 boats last night. Thats a good turnout. Most boats had a few fish at the least. Only one team had 5. So I think the fishing was a shade better than last week. No big ones brought in though. It was another hot night though. Jerrie Eckholt and partner had a real big muskie on and up to the boat but didn’t land it. He didn’t speculate on length. Heard of some Northerns being caught again too.
    Thanks for coming out Ikeslayer and partner. They had 3 for 5-2. Not bad for the first one. A few more oz. and you wouldn’t took third place. Keep on coming out.
    Thats all I know for now.

    ***The above information was provided by Eric Ronningen.*** Thanks Eric.

    Posts: 352


    So there is a weekly bass fishing contest on Zumbro!

    Anyone out there who needs a fishing partner some weeks I would be interested. I am new to fishing the area and would like to get involved and learn how to fish bass on Zumbro.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 260


    I’ve never fished the Zumbro as I am fairly new to Rochester. I have been fishing several ponds around the area, but havn’t made it to the zumbro yet. If you have the boat, I’d be more that happy to be your partner. Tuesday nights work for me. Heck, any night works for me.
    Email: [email protected]


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Welcome Gonefishin and Tyler! Glad to see some new posters. Feel free to ask questions or post reports or give information. We can all learn from each other.

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome guys. Great to have you guys with us. Please feel free to share and post all you want. Fishing those tourneys would be a very good way to learn about Lake Zumbro bass fishing.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    7-19-05 Lake Zumbro Tournament results

    1st Eric R. and Jim K. 4 bass for 6-10
    2nd Nick Bowlus and Son 4 bass for 5-15
    3rd Brad Gravenhoff 3 bass for 4-14 Is that right Brad?
    BB ER and JK 2-15 LM

    Awful slow night again. We didn’t boat a bass until after 8:00pm. We had about nine boats. No reports of any northern caught. Quite a few boats came in with 1 or 2 fish. Nobody had a five fish limit. I don’t know what to attribute it to. Its fun anyway. Remember, anyone is welcome to come out.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    Ya beat me to it Eric !!
    Was slow all around, I got the 2 1/2lb’er in the first ten minutes, thought I might be able to give ya a run for a minute there.
    Good job!
    By the way, Jerry E. said they boated a Northern close to the 10 lb range.

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    Hmmm…the big bass was 2-15 last week too

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I’ve just been lucking out. Making a couple good decisions and having some fish there helps. Not very often on the Zumbro do you find a “spot” that holds 4 fish. Lucky. I did put an end to the jinx of being the money holder and losing, at least temporarly.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the report. Congrats again ”Mr. Hot Stick” and congrats to Brad and partner on 3rd. Nick, well hes always a great bass fisherman so what more can I say? – Congrats Nick and son.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    7/26/05 Bass Tourn.
    Another slow night was had by all.
    We had 7 boats, with a total of I think 10 Bass caught.
    Eric R & Jim K took it again with 4.10lb.
    And Ken ? came in second with 4.6lb.
    Big Bass was 2.4 ??? I think.
    I think everyone still enjoys getting out even if the fish dont seem to want to cooperate.
    Good job guys , I wont be there next week as Im gonna be at the Stewartville Sportmans Club booth at the fair.
    Stop by for a sandwich everyone!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Conditions were really tough again. Slow bite for sure. These fish will get going sooner or later and when they do it can really be fun. We caught our fish on jigs mainly. Maybe one came on a worm texas rigged. The water is dirting up from the rain, especially on the Fisherman’s Inn end of the lake. I suspect it won’t get too bad down towards pondarosa. The water level did come up some but not much yet. Maybe theres more still coming?? I doubt it, the ground was pretty dry so I imagine it soaked up a good majority. So the lake is in good shape but the bite on bass is slow.
    Hows the pan fishing been? We seem to get nibbled on all the time out there so I would guess their still biting good.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks guys. Really appreciate the tournament reports. Please feel free to post every Tuesday night event results etc and also feel free to start a new thread for it every week too.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Tuesday night Zumbro Tournament. 8-2-05

    1st Kenny Stock and brother 11-15

    2nd Larry and Nate Carlson 8-? AKA Helmet and Helmet

    3rd Eric R. and Jim K. 6-14

    Big bass was a 3-8 caught by the winners

    We had 8 boats last night. Three limits of 5 were weighed. Things seemed to pick up quite a bit from the week before yet its still not too hot yet. Not real sure on the winning patterns. Jim and I just focused on covering lots of water with jigs as in the previous weeks we couldn’t put a limit together. Last night we had a limit by 6:30, just couldn’t hook any nice fish.

    The water is still fairly stained from Postier’s point on up the lake but down from Postier’s to the dam its pretty clear. We heard of some more good northerns being caught but thats par for the course.

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    Good going guys glad to here it is still going good for ya hope to make it down there again a few times before bow hunting starts seems like that is a long way away but it isn’t good going guys. I am going to try to go the winona tourney tonight word is that it starts at 6. Maybe see some of you there.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    8-9-05 Lake Zumbro Bass Tourney Rport

    We had 8 boats show up to the parking lot tonight. Unfortunatly only 4 stayed to fish due to the somewhat nasty weather. Thunderstorms and lightning started at about 4:45 pm so we waited a bit to head out.

    1st Eric R. and Jim K 10-14 4 bass
    2nd Mike McNeilus and Milo 8-? for 5
    3rd Chad Drews and partner 4-10 for 3
    BB ER and JK 4-2 LM

    Despite the storm I thought the bite was pretty decent. Mike and his partner caught the most fish and said it was pretty good fishing. No boat traffic at all. What a blessing.
    Our fish all came pretty deep except for the biggest. Mike and partners all came extremely shallow. Jigs worked for us again. Any dark color. Had to drag them real slow though. No hopping.
    Heard of some white bass on crank baits and a couple big crappies being taken on a husky jerk.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Wow!! Can’t believe you guys fished. Rained VERY hard after 5:00 in Rochester for a long time with thunder and lightening and then kept rainning for a couple hours . Eric, you are certainly on a roll thats for sure. Thanks for the report.

    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    just a note, Mike M. is our own (Spincast). Glad you came out. Wish you could more. I know its a long drive though too.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 200

    Eric, we noticed when you first went out, and we were waiting in the truck.Your partner was casting sidearm and staying down in the middle of the boat,making sure you were the tallest thing out there.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    No matter how low in the boat that partner of his stays
    that metal plate in his head is gonna attract the most lightening.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    A lightning strike to his head might help him some actually. Everytime there was a close strike he would throw his rod down too. I kept telling him no matter how fast he thinks he is he still isn’t as fast as lightning. Is that a pun?

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    hey eron so let me get this straight. you don’t win it this week so you don’t post the results is that it. My name is Isaac and my partner was mike. Just so you know when you post it who won the tuesday nighter.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 289

    I was gonna post the results but couldn’t remember weights
    and places.
    Go ahead if you can remember.Its always easier to remember when you get in the money!!!
    1st Place– Isaac & Mike w/ 6.2lbs.-??
    Good Job guys it was another tough night with very few fish
    caught again. Good turnout though with 11 boats.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 200

    2nd was 4-10? Big Bass 2-8? winners had four fish noone had five.Eric is probably off practicing for big bucks at the BFL.congrats. guys.What were they biting on?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Ya, I’m a poor sport. I’m not coming out anymore if I can’t win. Just kidding, I was extra busy working today and just didn’t get around to it yet.

    Good job guys.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    1st was Ikeslayer and partner
    2nd was Mike Arneson and friend
    3rd was Jerrie Eckholt and Gene ?

    Not good fishing overall. We had a good turnout. 11 boats. You guys picked a good night to win. I hope you don’t do as good next time.
    I also got to meet Bill Cadwell out there. He was doing some pan fishing. He is really mean in person. Only kidding.
    Bradley Gravenhoff. Has the luck worn off or does Bony got to come help you? (MR)

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I’m sure Eric would of posted them win or not. I asked him if he would be so kind to post the results each week and he did say he would. Thanks Eric.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    thanks for letting me give you are hard time eron. I will be there next week and i think i got some fellas from the winona wednesday nighter to come up and fish next tuesday on the Zum. Missed the money tonight in winona by 4 oz. ouch tuff losing that close but good to be close. later ike

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    So whats the ticket to your sucsess the other night?

    Rochester, mn, Usa, Earth
    Posts: 328

    you know it really was no secret just jig worms and jign pig. that is it. Honestly we thought we didn’t have a chance not having 5 fish. Just luck. We didn’t really do anything special. I figured you guys would have crushed us. We will see in a week if it is a fluke or not now that we are stuck with the money curse. Someone said you are fishing bfl this weekend???? is that true? later ike

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