Was out on the lake with Chad [son-in-law] and Mitchell [grandson] from my oldest daughter Hope and the bite was slow. Our first spot which is where I have been fishing lately became a swimming hole when we arrived as a young man was swimming there. After he had a great time swimming he grabbed his fishing pole so I am hoping he gets into them if the fish come back to there. I offered for him to jump in the boat with us but he wanted to fish off his dock instead. We moved after awhile with only one small bass to show for our efforts. [its called ”fishing, not catching, lol] We did manage to get some bluegills in 17-19 ft of water with our baits being set 7 ft below the bobbers. We had to scale down by removing the plastics and use a plain hook with a small piece of healthy nightcrawler from HOF under a bobber. You keep seeing me mentioning nightcrawlers from HOF and the reason is they have the healthiest crawlers ever. I’ve always gotten great ones from there and healthy bait makes a big difference. Fat ones too. The best bite was as the sun started to go down. I will have to bring my lights next time. And maybe I’ll even remember to charge my camera batteries before hitting the water. Gee, I hate that when it happens. Dead batteries are no fun. Have a very fun and safe Holiday everyone. Thanks, Bill
July 2, 2005 at 1:05 pm