Tmusky Sets the hook

  • mrcrappie
    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    A week ago today Tmusky Got Married !!!
    To a GREAT gal. CONGRATS Tony & Lynn
    Now Lynn likes to fish “So I think that means she’s a Keeper” Just as much as tony, So for there Honey moon They went north fishin, Low and be hold Tmusky hooks up with a pig, Walleye 31+ in Nice fish
    So are you going to change your screen name?


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    She likes to fish huh, now thats a good wife to have. Sounds like a sure keeper to me. CONGRATS!!! And shes brought you good luck already-a big walleye. What a lucky guy.
    Thanks, Bill

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Congrats Tony and Lynn,
    You got a good woman there Tony,a keeper.

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