Zumbro Tourny-7/12/05
1st Eric R. and Jim Kreofsky (Helmet) 6-15
2nd Kenny Stock and son 6-15
3rd Tim Domaille/solo 5-7
Big Bass ER and Jim K. 2-15
There was 14 boats last night. Thats a good turnout. Most boats had a few fish at the least. Only one team had 5. So I think the fishing was a shade better than last week. No big ones brought in though. It was another hot night though. Jerrie Eckholt and partner had a real big muskie on and up to the boat but didn’t land it. He didn’t speculate on length. Heard of some Northerns being caught again too.
Thanks for coming out Ikeslayer and partner. They had 3 for 5-2. Not bad for the first one. A few more oz. and you wouldn’t took third place.
Keep on coming out.
Thats all I know for now.