Well, it ain’t from Lake Zumbro, but it is a mighty fine toothie critter (if there is such a thing )
After spending a good chunk of Thursday and Saturday morning on the river with pretty urine poor results ( ) we decided to hit up Lake Winona Saturday night and again Sunday…….GOOD DECISION!!!
Not a lot of fish coming to the boat, but the quality more than made up for it. I personally caught 4 large mouth over 18 1/2″, one going 20 1/2″ . Lost a few in the weeds and had a few follow it right to the boat too.
and did I mention the 3 dang slimmers that boinked my crankbait , biggest one went 36 1/2″, with another going 32″ and one small one.
Best part, the nicest weather one could possibly ask for and not a jet ski in sight ……I may have gotten a bit of a sun burn though