In last nights Rochester Post Bulletin newspaper there was an imformative article about the proposed pool 5 and Weaver Bottom draw down. John Weiss did an excellent jog decribing the details and suspected results. I also believe that in addition to that, some serious consideration should be given to some major dredging, especially Half Moon landing and the immediate area around West Newton. Lanching anything of any size can be a problem at West Newton especially when you get close to the corner to turn left by the canoe launching area. Dredging would not only make boat navigation safer and easier, it would also provide some nice highways for fish to migrate more freely in and out of those backwater places.
How many of you old timers remember how good icefishing used to be at Pritchards and Baldwins. Those days are gone.
Keep your fingers crossed that this project will improve things back there again.
June 8, 2005 at 8:57 pm