Mississippi pool 5 and Weaver Bottoms draw down.

  • ron_weltzin
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    In last nights Rochester Post Bulletin newspaper there was an imformative article about the proposed pool 5 and Weaver Bottom draw down. John Weiss did an excellent jog decribing the details and suspected results. I also believe that in addition to that, some serious consideration should be given to some major dredging, especially Half Moon landing and the immediate area around West Newton. Lanching anything of any size can be a problem at West Newton especially when you get close to the corner to turn left by the canoe launching area. Dredging would not only make boat navigation safer and easier, it would also provide some nice highways for fish to migrate more freely in and out of those backwater places.
    How many of you old timers remember how good icefishing used to be at Pritchards and Baldwins. Those days are gone.
    Keep your fingers crossed that this project will improve things back there again.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    They won’t be doing any dredging for Half Moon. They tried their half a$%ed attempt before and thats all we will get. Half Moon will probably be no good this year except for the smallest of boats. That new landing at the top of West Newton chute will be great though. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. Its on the same road to Half Moon.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 417

    Sorry to hear that. I was thinking of the shore fishermen who work the area below the little dike road leading back to the West Newton colony. The area is slowly but surely choking off fish access because it is getting more and more difficult for them to comfortably migrate back into
    those areas. I have noticed low water periods, not much action, high water, they can get back there. What about an average period, can they or will they move back in there?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I can only speak for bass. I know they seem to keep getting in there each spring. They won’t be found in there much after the post spawn though. Once the water temps creep over 70 I’m sure they’re headed for some current or weeds or both. But on the flip side, anytime the water gets coming up some they will always back off the current despite water temp. which backs up your theory/observation.

    And it is a shame what happened there. They made an attept to keep that little channel deep enough by adding that 2nd rock chute but that only keeps a short section deep and now its seems to have made that sand bar below it much worse yet. As far as the fish go, if they can float over and through they’ll go. But when it comes to all the people using the access, its getting tougher and tougher. Especially if they’re not familiar with the area. If they do pull the water a foot or more it will be almost impassible. It is a shame.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I spent alittle time down on pool 5 last week while on vacation learning some more about that pool. Hopefully the drawdown will help the habitat come back in the certain backwater areas that are hurting. Its a very nice pool with lots of wingdams, backwater areas, and what looks like some great panfishing areas too. Wish I would of had more time to try the panfishing down there. Thanks Al for sharing your wisdom. We learned alot about that pool in a short time ”Thanks” to you.
    Thanks, Bill

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