I am new to using a baitcaster to. I found that you can’t try to throw the lure to hard. Becareful going into the wind too! Terry Sanders at Gander Mountain gave me a really good tip on being accurate with them. Picture the real sitting straight up on top of the rod. When you cast tip the rod/reel so that the reel ends up on its side at the end of the cast with your rod pointed at the target. I don’t have a clue as to why that works but it does.
One more thing I have found….the type/weight of line you are using makes a big difference as well.
I get a little upset when I watch fishing shows and they toss the lures around like there is nothing to worry about. I just know they are cutting out the times when these damn things backlash! I keep practicing out in my front lawn and I’m sure my neighbors think I am completely nuts. Once and a while some smartass will stop and ask me if I’m catching anything